Diseño agroecológico de un sistema de producción basado en principios de agricultura regenerativa en la cuenca Río Potrero, Nicoya, Guanacaste.
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Universidad EARTH
Se diseñó un Sistema Agroecológico Regenerativo para una finca dedicada a la ganadería extensiva que se localiza en la Cuenca Río Potrero, cantón de Nicoya, Guanacaste. El terreno consta de 3,15 hectáreas, es un área relativamente plana y se encuentra a una altitud de 144 m.s.n.m. Su suelo clasifica en el orden Alfisol, posee una textura franco-arcillosa, una densidad aparente de 1,18 g/cm3 y un espacio poroso de 40,78 %. El medio cuenta con una acidez extractable de 0,32 cmol (+) /L, posee nutrientes por encima del rango óptimo como el calcio, magnesio, sodio, hierro y manganeso y deficiencias en otros como el potasio, fosforo, zinc y azufre. Según los cálculos de PSI y RAS, el suelo clasifica como salino. El propósito del proyecto se basó en generar un diseño que considera la combinación de principios de la agroecología y la agricultura regenerativa, con el objetivo de mejorar las dinámicas agroecosistémicas a través de un incremento en la biodiversidad y la fijación de carbono orgánico en el suelo. Para la implementación de este proceso en campo, se dividió el área en seis diferentes componentes: Zona 1, Laboratorio de Bioinsumos, Sistema Milpa, Componente Animal, Sistema Agroforestal y Área de Conservación. Las especies incluidas fueron seleccionadas con base en las condiciones edafoclimáticas y socioculturales de la zona.
A Regenerative Agroecological System was designed for a farm dedicated to extensive livestock farming that is located in the Río Potrero Basin, Nicoya, Guanacaste. The land consists of 3.15 hectares, it is a relatively flat area and it is at an altitude of 144 m.a.s.l. The soil is classified in the order Alfisol, it has a clay-loam texture, an apparent density of 1.18 g / cm3 and a porosity of 40.78 %. The medium has an extractable acidity of 0.32 cmol (+) / L, it has nutrients above the optimal range such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron and manganese and deficiencies in others such as potassium, phosphorus, zinc and sulfur. Based on the ESP and SAR calculations, the soil classifies as saline. This project was based on generating a design that comprises the combination of principles of agroecology and regenerative agriculture, with the aim of improving agroecosystem conditions, this throughout an increase in biodiversity and organic carbon sequestration in the soil. For the implementation of this process in the field, the area was divided into six different components: Zone 1, Bio-inputs Laboratory, Milpa System, Animal Component, Agroforestry System and Conservation Area. The species included were selected based on the edaphoclimatic and sociocultural conditions of the area.
A Regenerative Agroecological System was designed for a farm dedicated to extensive livestock farming that is located in the Río Potrero Basin, Nicoya, Guanacaste. The land consists of 3.15 hectares, it is a relatively flat area and it is at an altitude of 144 m.a.s.l. The soil is classified in the order Alfisol, it has a clay-loam texture, an apparent density of 1.18 g / cm3 and a porosity of 40.78 %. The medium has an extractable acidity of 0.32 cmol (+) / L, it has nutrients above the optimal range such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron and manganese and deficiencies in others such as potassium, phosphorus, zinc and sulfur. Based on the ESP and SAR calculations, the soil classifies as saline. This project was based on generating a design that comprises the combination of principles of agroecology and regenerative agriculture, with the aim of improving agroecosystem conditions, this throughout an increase in biodiversity and organic carbon sequestration in the soil. For the implementation of this process in the field, the area was divided into six different components: Zone 1, Bio-inputs Laboratory, Milpa System, Animal Component, Agroforestry System and Conservation Area. The species included were selected based on the edaphoclimatic and sociocultural conditions of the area.
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