Diseño de un modelo de valoración económica para sistemas agroforestales basados en cacao
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Universidad EARTH
En el presente trabajo se elaboró un modelo de valoración económica para el reconocimiento del servicio ambiental de remoción de CO2 de la atmósfera generado por los sistemas agroforestales (SAF). Tomando como caso de estudio un SAF basado en cacao, se determinó el potencial de fijación de carbono de los componentes laurel y cacao a través de modelos alométricos y valores de Incremento Corriente Anual para el crecimiento. Se cuantificó que el sistema estudiado removió hasta su cuarto año de edad 24,42 Mg/ha de CO2 y para el noveno año se estimó una remoción 65,32 Mg/ha de CO2. A través del modelo propuesto se determinó una adicionalidad de 69 Unidades Nacionales de Compensación (UNC), correspondientes a 69 Mg/ha de CO2 sobre la Línea Base, removidos en el periodo entre el cuarto y noveno año. En un escenario nacional, con un precio de US$ 2 por UNC, el propietario del terreno recibiría un pago de US$ 138 en este periodo por 1,65 ha. Las ganancias generadas para el propietario serian aún mayores accediendo a mercados de carbono internacionales, que ofrecen un precio aproximado de US$ 10 por UNC; a ese precio el propietario recibiría US$ 689.98. En ambos casos el 65 % del monto se entrega el primer año, el 20 % el segundo año y el 15 % el tercer año. El modelo de valoración económica propuesto es una herramienta con potencial de mejorar la calidad de vida de los pequeños productores de sistemas agroforestales, a través de la generación de un ingreso adicional que indirectamente representa un apoyo en la producción de alimentos para el autoconsumo
This paper presents a model of economic valuation, for the recognition of the environmental service of carbon dioxide (CO2) removal at the atmosphere generated by agroforestry systems. Taking as a case study an agroforestry system based in cacao, the carbon fixation potential of the components laurel and cacao was determined, through alometric models and values of the Current Annual Increase for growth. It was quantified that the studied system removed by its fourth year of age 24,42 Mg/ha of CO2 and it was estimated that by its ninth year of age the system would remove up to 65,32 Mg/ha of CO2. Through the proposed valuation model it was determined that the system could yield 69 additional National Compensation Units, corresponding to 69 Mg/ha of CO2 removed over the Base Line in this period. Selling those UNCs in a national market, at US$ 2 for each National Compensation Units, the producer would receive a payment of US$ 138 in this period for 1,65 ha. The profits generated for the owner would be even greater accessing international carbon markets, which offer an approximate price of US$ 10 per UNC, at that price the owner, could receive US $ 689.98. In both cases 65 % of the amount due the first year, 20 % the second year and 15 % the third year. The economic valuation model proposed is a tool with potential to improve the life quality of small producers of agroforestry systems, by helping them generate an additional income from the environmental services provided by their SAF, which in turn increases the farmer’s self-sufficiency.
This paper presents a model of economic valuation, for the recognition of the environmental service of carbon dioxide (CO2) removal at the atmosphere generated by agroforestry systems. Taking as a case study an agroforestry system based in cacao, the carbon fixation potential of the components laurel and cacao was determined, through alometric models and values of the Current Annual Increase for growth. It was quantified that the studied system removed by its fourth year of age 24,42 Mg/ha of CO2 and it was estimated that by its ninth year of age the system would remove up to 65,32 Mg/ha of CO2. Through the proposed valuation model it was determined that the system could yield 69 additional National Compensation Units, corresponding to 69 Mg/ha of CO2 removed over the Base Line in this period. Selling those UNCs in a national market, at US$ 2 for each National Compensation Units, the producer would receive a payment of US$ 138 in this period for 1,65 ha. The profits generated for the owner would be even greater accessing international carbon markets, which offer an approximate price of US$ 10 per UNC, at that price the owner, could receive US $ 689.98. In both cases 65 % of the amount due the first year, 20 % the second year and 15 % the third year. The economic valuation model proposed is a tool with potential to improve the life quality of small producers of agroforestry systems, by helping them generate an additional income from the environmental services provided by their SAF, which in turn increases the farmer’s self-sufficiency.
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