Desarrollo y producción de un fertilizante organomineral en pellets y su evaluación en campo y laboratorio.
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Universidad EARTH
El propósito de la presente investigación fue el desarrollo, producción y evaluación de un fertilizante organomineral en pellets a base de gallinaza. El estudio consistió en: caracterización de materias primas, elaboración de fertilizantes, evaluación de curva de liberación del fertilizante, efectividad de aplicación de fertilizantes en el cultivo de maíz y su efecto en la actividad microbiana en el suelo. Se elaboró un fertilizante orgánico y uno organomineral con una formulación 20-11-1-9 (C-N-P-K), los ambos en forma de pellet de alta densidad. Se establecieron 4 tratamientos: T1: (NH4)2SO4, KCl y FosfoMax, T2: pellets de gallinaza, (NH4)2SO4, KCl y FosfoMax, T3: igual a tratamiento T2 + 20 %, T4: pellets de gallinaza. Estos tratamientos fueron evaluados en laboratorio y campo. Se encontró en la fase del estudio en laboratorio que el T1 fue un tratamiento de liberación rápida (primera semana), el T2 y T3 de liberación lenta (entre la segunda y quinta semana); y T4 de liberación controlada y baja. Los resultados en campo muestran que los tratamientos con fertilización organomineral (T2 y T3) presentaron entre un 26 % a 28 % más de biomasa en general y aproximadamente un 23 % más en cuanto a peso de mazorca al compararlos con el T1. El muestreo foliar mostró exceso en hierro e insuficiencia en fósforo para los cuatro tratamientos, que se debe a una alta fijación de este elemento en el suelo. Esta observación se corroboró por medio de una prueba de sorción en el laboratorio. La actividad microbiana en el suelo estuvo influenciada por la materia orgánica aplicada, donde a mayor cantidad de gallinaza se presentó una mayor cantidad de biomasa microbiana. Finalmente, se determinó que los pellets del fertilizante organomineral y orgánico son una fuente de fertilización de liberación lenta y tiene efectos positivos sobre la producción de biomasa de maíz y la actividad biológica del suelo.
The purpose of this investigation was the development, production and evaluation of an organomineral fertilizer in pellets, based on poultry manure. The study consisted of: the characterization of raw materials, elaboration of fertilizers, evaluation of the fertilizer release curve, effectiveness of the application in corn production and its effect on the microbial activity in the soil. An organic fertilizer and an organomineral fertilizer with a formulation 20-11-1-9 (C-N-P-K) were made, both in the form of high density pellets. Four treatments were established: T1: (NH4)2SO4, KCl and FosfoMax, T2: pellets of poultry manure, (NH4)2SO4, KCl and FosfoMax, T3: equal to treatment T2 + 20 %, T4: pellets of poultry manure. These treatments were evaluated in the laboratory and in the field. It was found in the laboratory phase, that the T1 had a fast nutrient release (first week), T2 and T3 had a slow nutrient release (between the second and fifth week); and T4 show a controlled and low nutrient release. The results in the field phase show that treatments with organomineral fertilization (T2 and T3) presented between 26 % to 28 % more biomass and approximately 23 % more corn cob weight when compared with T1. The foliar sampling showed an excess of iron and phosphorus insufficiency for the four treatments, which is due to a high fixation of this element in the soil. This observation was corroborated by means of a laboratory absorption test. The microbial activity in the soil was influenced by the amount of organic matter applied, where a greater quantity of the poultry manure influenced a greater development of microbial biomass. Finally, it was determined that the organomineral and organic fertilizer pellets are a source of slow release fertilization that have positive effects on the production of corn biomass and the biological activity of the soil.
The purpose of this investigation was the development, production and evaluation of an organomineral fertilizer in pellets, based on poultry manure. The study consisted of: the characterization of raw materials, elaboration of fertilizers, evaluation of the fertilizer release curve, effectiveness of the application in corn production and its effect on the microbial activity in the soil. An organic fertilizer and an organomineral fertilizer with a formulation 20-11-1-9 (C-N-P-K) were made, both in the form of high density pellets. Four treatments were established: T1: (NH4)2SO4, KCl and FosfoMax, T2: pellets of poultry manure, (NH4)2SO4, KCl and FosfoMax, T3: equal to treatment T2 + 20 %, T4: pellets of poultry manure. These treatments were evaluated in the laboratory and in the field. It was found in the laboratory phase, that the T1 had a fast nutrient release (first week), T2 and T3 had a slow nutrient release (between the second and fifth week); and T4 show a controlled and low nutrient release. The results in the field phase show that treatments with organomineral fertilization (T2 and T3) presented between 26 % to 28 % more biomass and approximately 23 % more corn cob weight when compared with T1. The foliar sampling showed an excess of iron and phosphorus insufficiency for the four treatments, which is due to a high fixation of this element in the soil. This observation was corroborated by means of a laboratory absorption test. The microbial activity in the soil was influenced by the amount of organic matter applied, where a greater quantity of the poultry manure influenced a greater development of microbial biomass. Finally, it was determined that the organomineral and organic fertilizer pellets are a source of slow release fertilization that have positive effects on the production of corn biomass and the biological activity of the soil.
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