Efecto de la fertirrigación y la aplicación de microorganismos en la producción del cultivo de arroz (Oryza sativa) en la Región Atlántica de Costa Rica.
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Universidad EARTH
El presente trabajo pretende describir nuevas estrategias de producción que permitan mejorar los rendimientos actuales por hectárea en el trópico húmedo de Costa Rica, haciendo un uso eficiente del recurso hídrico, optimizando los procesos de fertilización e incorporando microorganismos en la producción. Esta investigación se realizó en el laboratorio de fertirriego de la Universidad EARTH, ubicado en el cantón de Guácimo en la provincia de Limón, entre el periodo de diciembre del 2020 y abril del 2021. El objetivo fue evaluar dos dosis de fertilizantes en un sistema de riego por goteo con aplicaciones de microorganismos, sobre el rendimiento en el cultivo de arroz (Oryza sativa) en la Costa Atlántica de Costa Rica, basándose en la evaluación de variables morfológicas e índices de productividad como: altura de planta, número de hijos por planta, tallos efectivos, longitud de panícula, longitud de raíces, largo de tallo, granos sanos, peso de 5 panículas, peso de 1000 granos, producción por m2 y por hectárea y calidad molinera. El experimento se conformó de 8 tratamientos: F100 (Fertirriego 100 % + Microorganismos), F100 (Fertirriego 100 %), F130MO (Fertirriego 130 % + Microorganismos) y F130 (Fertirriego 130 %) con los testigos T100MO (Fertilizante mezcla física 100 % + Microorganismos), T100 (Fertilizante mezcla física 100 %), T130MO (Fertilizante mezcla física 130 % + Microorganismos) y T130 (Fertilizante mezcal física 130 %). Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que las aplicaciones fraccionadas mediante un sistema de fertirrigación en los tratamientos F100MO y F130MO cumplen las necesidades nutricionales del cultivo en combinación con microorganismos para una producción estimada de 6 t/ha, demostrando los mejores resultados en la mayoría de variables estudiadas, pero se demostró que al aumentar un 30 % de fertilización, no existió un aumento significativo en las diferentes variables en comparación con una nutrición al 100 %, sin embargo, la adición de microorganismos presento un efecto positivo, pero no significativo. Con respecto a la calidad molinera, los resultados obtenidos, especialmente el de grano entero, fueron superiores a la media de los parámetros de calidad comercial obtenidos por los productores de la región Huetar Atlántica para el periodo de noviembre 2020 y abril 2021.
The present work aims to describe new production strategies that allow improving current yields per hectare in the humid tropics of Costa Rica, making efficient use of water resources, optimizing fertilization processes, and incorporating microorganisms in production. This research was carried out in the fertigation laboratory of the EARTH University, located in the canton of Guácimo in the province of Limón, between the period of December 2020 and April 2021. The objective was to evaluate two doses of fertilizers in a drip irrigation system with applications of microorganisms, on the yield in the cultivation of rice (Oryza sativa) in the Atlantic Coast of Costa Rica, based on the evaluation of morphological variables and indices of productivity such as: plant height, number of children per plant, effective stems, panicle length, root length, stem length, healthy grains, weight of 5 panicles, weight of 1000 grains, production per m2 and per hectare and milling quality. The experiment was made up of 8 treatments: F100 (Fertigation 100 % + Microorganisms), F100 (Fertilization 100 %), F130MO (Fertigation 130 % + Microorganisms) and F130 (Fertigation 130 %) with the controls T100MO (Fertilizer physical mixture 100 % + Microorganisms), T100 (Fertilizer physical mixture 100 %), T130MO (Fertilizer physical mixture 130 % + Microorganisms) and T130 (Fertilizer physical mixture 130 %). The results obtained showed that the fractionated applications through a fertigation system in the F100MO and F130MO treatments meet the nutritional needs of the crop in combination with microorganisms for an estimated production of 6 t / ha, demonstrating the best results in most of the variables studied, but it was shown that when fertilization increased by 30 %, there was no significant increase in the different variables compared to 100 % nutrition, however, the addition of microorganisms presented a positive but not significant effect. Regarding mill quality, the results obtained, especially that of whole grain, were higher than the average of the commercial quality parameters obtained by the producers of the Huetar Atlántica region for the period of November 2020 and April 2021.
The present work aims to describe new production strategies that allow improving current yields per hectare in the humid tropics of Costa Rica, making efficient use of water resources, optimizing fertilization processes, and incorporating microorganisms in production. This research was carried out in the fertigation laboratory of the EARTH University, located in the canton of Guácimo in the province of Limón, between the period of December 2020 and April 2021. The objective was to evaluate two doses of fertilizers in a drip irrigation system with applications of microorganisms, on the yield in the cultivation of rice (Oryza sativa) in the Atlantic Coast of Costa Rica, based on the evaluation of morphological variables and indices of productivity such as: plant height, number of children per plant, effective stems, panicle length, root length, stem length, healthy grains, weight of 5 panicles, weight of 1000 grains, production per m2 and per hectare and milling quality. The experiment was made up of 8 treatments: F100 (Fertigation 100 % + Microorganisms), F100 (Fertilization 100 %), F130MO (Fertigation 130 % + Microorganisms) and F130 (Fertigation 130 %) with the controls T100MO (Fertilizer physical mixture 100 % + Microorganisms), T100 (Fertilizer physical mixture 100 %), T130MO (Fertilizer physical mixture 130 % + Microorganisms) and T130 (Fertilizer physical mixture 130 %). The results obtained showed that the fractionated applications through a fertigation system in the F100MO and F130MO treatments meet the nutritional needs of the crop in combination with microorganisms for an estimated production of 6 t / ha, demonstrating the best results in most of the variables studied, but it was shown that when fertilization increased by 30 %, there was no significant increase in the different variables compared to 100 % nutrition, however, the addition of microorganisms presented a positive but not significant effect. Regarding mill quality, the results obtained, especially that of whole grain, were higher than the average of the commercial quality parameters obtained by the producers of the Huetar Atlántica region for the period of November 2020 and April 2021.
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