The English language proficiency of the agritourism actors related to the community scenario at EARTH University.
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Costa Rica has a strong tourism sector within Latina America with its tourists primarily from English-speaking countries like the United States. The official language is Spanish yet, the country has a high demand on the English international market. It is estimated that 80 % of the visitors come to enjoy Agritourism related activities in rural areas of Costa Rica, owned and managed by monolingual farmers. In this investigation the participants were referred to as actors, however, they are recognized as farmers in the region of GuƔcimo. Consequently, these farmers are at a disadvantage as they cannot communicate and engage effectively with their tourists. This study aims to determine the English language proficiency level of the actors in order to elaborate an instrument that will aid them in the learning of the language to boost their Agritourism businesses. Specifically, it evaluates the necessity of bilingualism within the Agritourism sector for effective communication with the clientele. In this context, bilingualism is defined as the ability of farmers to communicate both in English and Spanish. To achieve this objective, structured interviews were conducted with two specialists in the area of tourism and an educator of the English language. While for the actors, an Agritourism questionnaire was prepared, of which due to the COVID-19 pandemic, was applied through direct phone calls as physical meetings were restricted as a preventative measure. The responses were analyzed using Excel and the results showed that all the actors had very low English Language proficiency levels therefore, most of the tourists that come to their farms required a tour guide to help in the translation. The results suggest that the actors need and are willing to learn the English Language. In this way they will be able to market their businesses and/ or products along with improving the quality of the services that would attract more visitors. On this basis, it is concluded that the concept of English Language acquisition among the actors should be considered since it is increasingly necessary for business and international communications linked to prospects for economic competitiveness and growth in the global economy.
Costa Rica tiene un fuerte sector turĆstico dentro de AmĆ©rica Latina con turistas principalmente de paĆses que hablan inglĆ©s como Estados Unidos. El idioma oficial es el espaƱol, sin embargo, el paĆs tiene una gran demanda en el mercado internacional inglesa. Se estima que el 80 % de los visitantes vienen a disfrutar de actividades AgroturĆsticos en Ć”reas rurales, administrada por agricultores monolingĆ¼es. En esta investigaciĆ³n se hizo referencia a los participantes como actores, sin embargo, se les reconoce como agricultores de la regiĆ³n de GuĆ”cimo. En consecuencia, estos agricultores estĆ”n limitados, ya que no pueden comunicarse eficazmente con sus turistas. Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar el nivel de dominio del inglĆ©s de los actores con el fin de elaborar un instrumento que los ayude en el aprendizaje del idioma para impulsar sus negocios de Agroturismo. EspecĆficamente, evalĆŗa la necesidad del bilingĆ¼ismo dentro del sector para una comunicaciĆ³n efectiva con la clientela. En este contexto, el bilingĆ¼ismo se define como la capacidad de los agricultores para comunicarse tanto en inglĆ©s como en espaƱol. Para lograr este objetivo, se realizaron entrevistas estructuradas con dos especialistas en el Ć”rea de turismo y un educador del idioma inglĆ©s. Mientras que para los actores se elaborĆ³ āāun cuestionario de Agroturismo, del cual debido a la pandemia COVID-19, se aplicĆ³ a travĆ©s de llamadas telefĆ³nicas ya que las reuniones fĆsicas se restringieron como medida preventiva. Las respuestas fueron analizadas usando Excel y demostraron que todos los actores tenĆan niveles muy bajos de dominio del idioma, por lo tanto, la mayorĆa de los turistas que llegan a sus fincas requirieron un guĆa turĆstico para ayudar en la traducciĆ³n. Los resultados sugieren que los actores necesitan y estĆ”n dispuestos a aprender el idioma. De esta forma podrĆ”n comercializar sus negocios y / o productos junto con mejorar la calidad de los servicios que atraerĆan mĆ”s visitantes. Entonces, se concluye que se debe considerar el concepto de adquisiciĆ³n del idioma inglĆ©s entre los actores, ya es mĆ”s necesario para las comunicaciones comerciales e internacionales vinculadas a las perspectivas de competitividad econĆ³mica y crecimiento de la economĆa global.