Evaluación in vitro del effecto de fungicidas orgánicos e inorgánicos sobre el control de Colletotrichum sp. en café de altura de Costa Rica.
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Universidad EARTH
Se realizó una evaluación en laboratorio de la eficiencia de fungicidas orgánicos e inorgánicos para el control de Colletotrichum sp. en hojas de café de altura procedente de la Finca Sumava de Lourdes en la zona de Naranjo (provincia de Alajuela), en Costa Rica. En un inicio el proyecto pretendía evaluar el efecto de los fungicidas para el control de Phoma sp. dado que este era el hongo que se estimaba presente, erróneamente, en los especímenes. Una vez identificado el hongo Colletotrichum sp. y redireccionada la investigación hacia su control, se confirmaron los criterios para seleccionar los fungicidas orgánicos e inorgánicos más relevantes para la investigación. Se eligieron los productos comerciales Amistar, Timorex y Carbendazim, y se elaboraron artesanalmente formulaciones de caldo bordéles y caldo sulfocálcico en diversas concentraciones. En el curso de la investigación se decidió agregar como sexto producto a evaluar el propóleo de Apis mellifera. Se debieron realizar distintos bioensayos ya que la mezcla agar de papa y dextrosa utilizada como medio de cultivo se mostró muy propensa a la contaminación por bacterias al tratarse de un medio rico en nutrientes. El producto sintético con mayor eficiencia en el control del hongo Colletotrichum sp. fue Carbendazim (carbendazima), inhibiendo por completo el crecimiento radial en todas sus concentraciones. El segundo producto con mayor eficiencia en el control del hongo evaluado fue el propóleo, logrando inhibir el 91 % de su crecimiento. El producto Amistar (azoxistrobina) fue otro producto químico con resultados favorables en la inhibición del crecimiento del hongo, logrando inhibir hasta un 67.5 % su crecimiento. En el resto de productos no se presentaron efectos significativos.
This project was developed a laboratory evaluation of the efficiency of organic and inorganic fungicides for the control of Colletotrichum sp. in leaves from high mountain coffee from Sumava de Lourdes farm in the Naranjo area (province of Alajuela), in Costa Rica. Initially the project was aimed at evaluating the effect of fungicides for the control of Phoma sp. since this was the fungus that was estimated to be present, erroneously, in the specimens. Once the fungus Colletotrichum sp. was identified and the research redirected towards its control, criteria to select the most relevant organic and inorganic fungicides for the investigation were established. The commercial products Amistar, Timorex and Carbendazim were chosen, and formulations of bouillon broth and sulfocalcium broth were prepared by hand at various concentrations. During the investigation it was decided to add propolis of Apis mellifera as a sixth product to be evaluated. Different bio-evaluations had to be carried out since the potato and dextrose agar mixture used as a culture medium was very prone to contamination by bacteria as it was a nutrient-rich medium. The synthetic product with the greatest efficiency in the control of the fungus Colletotrichum sp. was Carbendazim (carbendazim), completely inhibiting radial growth in all its concentrations. The second product with greatest efficiency in the control of the fungus evaluated was propolis, achieving 91 % growth inhibition. The product Amistar (azoxystrobin) was another chemical with favorable results in the inhibition of the growth of the fungus, managing to inhibit up to 67.5 % its growth. The rest of the products presented no significant effects.
This project was developed a laboratory evaluation of the efficiency of organic and inorganic fungicides for the control of Colletotrichum sp. in leaves from high mountain coffee from Sumava de Lourdes farm in the Naranjo area (province of Alajuela), in Costa Rica. Initially the project was aimed at evaluating the effect of fungicides for the control of Phoma sp. since this was the fungus that was estimated to be present, erroneously, in the specimens. Once the fungus Colletotrichum sp. was identified and the research redirected towards its control, criteria to select the most relevant organic and inorganic fungicides for the investigation were established. The commercial products Amistar, Timorex and Carbendazim were chosen, and formulations of bouillon broth and sulfocalcium broth were prepared by hand at various concentrations. During the investigation it was decided to add propolis of Apis mellifera as a sixth product to be evaluated. Different bio-evaluations had to be carried out since the potato and dextrose agar mixture used as a culture medium was very prone to contamination by bacteria as it was a nutrient-rich medium. The synthetic product with the greatest efficiency in the control of the fungus Colletotrichum sp. was Carbendazim (carbendazim), completely inhibiting radial growth in all its concentrations. The second product with greatest efficiency in the control of the fungus evaluated was propolis, achieving 91 % growth inhibition. The product Amistar (azoxystrobin) was another chemical with favorable results in the inhibition of the growth of the fungus, managing to inhibit up to 67.5 % its growth. The rest of the products presented no significant effects.
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