Propuesta de un ordenamiento territorial para la finca pecuaria integrada de la Universidad EARTH a través de un mapeo fotogramétrico con vehículos aéreos no tripulados.
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Universidad EARTH
En Costa Rica el sector agropecuario es uno de los más importantes del país generando ingresos y bienestar social, pero dada a su poca extensión territorial, su área de producción se ve muy limitada. El país en los últimos años ha recurrido al uso de herramientas para afrontar los retos venideros como la carbono neutralidad y para ello la eficiencia productiva por unidad de área tiene que aumentar e ir de la mano con la sostenibilidad económica, social y ambiental. Una herramienta tecnológica para las mediciones de las áreas pecuarias es la fotogrametría, la cual, se basa en obtener propiedades geométricas como tamaño y dimensiones de objetos luego de un procesamiento de imágenes adquiridas por sensores remotos, los cuales son transportados por vehículos aéreos no tripulados (VANTs) o mejor conocidos como drones. Tanto los VANTs como los Sistemas de información geográfica (SIG), sirven de plataformas para el ordenamiento territorial que permita el desarrollo de unidades de manejo y de esta manera mejorar las condiciones de producción de forma sostenible. En este trabajo, se generó una metodología para obtener datos con VANT para posteriormente procesarlos y obtener como resultados un modelo digital de elevación (MDE), curvas de nivel y un ortomosaico. Con base a dicha información, se realizó una actividad de consulta con los encargados de la finca pecuaria integrada de la Universidad EARTH para visualizar un mapa de uso prospectivo. La información espacial generada a partir de la detección remota con el VANTs, los levantamientos de campo y la interpretación fotogramétrica, permitió el desarrollo de una propuesta para el ordenamiento territorial de la finca. El mapa de uso actual, determino que la finca consta de un área bruta de 240,7 ha, un área neta de 132,82 ha. Por su parte, el mapa de uso prospectivo, establece las bases para las próximas decisiones en cuanto a las unidades y actividades a considerar en el futuro cercano; el manejo de la finca se puede volver más sostenible y eficiente, generando un mayor bienestar animal, social, ambiental y económico.
In Costa Rica, the agricultural sector is one of the most important in the country, generating income and social welfare, but given its limited territorial extension, its production area is very limited. The country in recent years has resorted to the use of tools to face the coming challenges such as carbon neutrality and for this the productive efficiency per unit area has to increase and go hand in hand with economic, social and environmental sustainability. A technological tool for measurements of livestock areas is photogrammetry, which is based on obtaining geometric properties such as size and dimensions of objects after processing images acquired by remote sensors, which are transported by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or better known as drones. Both the UAVs and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), serve as platforms for territorial ordering that allows the development of management units and thus improve production conditions in a sustainable manner. In this work, a methodology was generated to obtain data with UAV for later processing and obtain as results a digital elevation model (DEM), level curves and an ortomosaic. Based on this information, a consultation activity was carried out with the managers of the integrated livestock farm of the EARTH University to visualize a map of prospective use. The spatial information generated from the remote detection with the UAVs, the field surveys and the photogrammetric interpretation, allowed the development of a proposal for the territorial organization of the farm. The map of current use, determined that the farm consists of a gross area of 240,7 ha, a net area of 132,82 ha. On the other hand, the prospective use map establishes the bases for the next decisions regarding the units and activities to be considered in the near future; the management of the farm can become more sustainable and efficient, generating greater animal, social, environmental and economic well-being.
In Costa Rica, the agricultural sector is one of the most important in the country, generating income and social welfare, but given its limited territorial extension, its production area is very limited. The country in recent years has resorted to the use of tools to face the coming challenges such as carbon neutrality and for this the productive efficiency per unit area has to increase and go hand in hand with economic, social and environmental sustainability. A technological tool for measurements of livestock areas is photogrammetry, which is based on obtaining geometric properties such as size and dimensions of objects after processing images acquired by remote sensors, which are transported by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or better known as drones. Both the UAVs and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), serve as platforms for territorial ordering that allows the development of management units and thus improve production conditions in a sustainable manner. In this work, a methodology was generated to obtain data with UAV for later processing and obtain as results a digital elevation model (DEM), level curves and an ortomosaic. Based on this information, a consultation activity was carried out with the managers of the integrated livestock farm of the EARTH University to visualize a map of prospective use. The spatial information generated from the remote detection with the UAVs, the field surveys and the photogrammetric interpretation, allowed the development of a proposal for the territorial organization of the farm. The map of current use, determined that the farm consists of a gross area of 240,7 ha, a net area of 132,82 ha. On the other hand, the prospective use map establishes the bases for the next decisions regarding the units and activities to be considered in the near future; the management of the farm can become more sustainable and efficient, generating greater animal, social, environmental and economic well-being.
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