Diseño de un procedimiento para elaborar lombricompost y compost a partir de residuos alimentarios.
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Universidad EARTH
Los residuos alimentarios generalmente son percibidos como basura y comúnmente son depositados en vertederos o rellenos sanitarios en donde se convierten en una fuente generadora de metano y de lixiviados que contaminan el aire, el suelo y el agua. Un manejo alternativo de estos residuos es transformarlos en abonos orgánicos, que al ser aplicados al suelo aportan nutrientes, mejoran la estructura y la biología del suelo. Un estudio evaluó las condiciones necesarias para elaborar compost y lombricompost de residuos alimentarios para diseñar un procedimiento optimizado para la elaboración eficiente de estos abonos orgánicos. El estudio inició con un estudio preliminar de las características físicas y químicas de los residuos alimentarios y concluyó con la interpretación de los resultados y las conclusiones de un experimento que fue establecido para desarrollar y evaluar el procedimiento de elaboración de los dos abonos orgánicos. El estudio usó los residuos alimentarios de la cafetería de la Universidad EARTH. El estudio preliminar indicó que los residuos tenían una humedad muy alta (84 %) y una relación C:N promedio muy baja (14), según valores óptimos para un material al inicio de un compostaje. El experimento tuvo una fase primaria de compostaje de los residuos divididos en seis pilas y durante 48 días y una fase secundaria de 37 días en la que tres pilas continuaron el compostaje y las otras tres pilas fueron lombricomposteados. Durante los procesos, los factores % de humedad, pH, temperatura y relación C:N fueron medidos. Los contenidos de N, P, K, Ca y Mg y las relaciones C:N fueron cuantificados en los abonos al final del experimento. Los ajustes realizados para mantener el parámetro de cada factor dentro de su rango óptimo constituyeron la base del diseño del procedimiento de elaboración de los abonos orgánicos. La eficiencia del procedimiento fue evaluada comparando los resultados de la relación C:N y el contenido de nutrientes de los abonos con los valores óptimos. Las diferencias en las relaciones C:N y en los contenidos de N, K, Ca y Mg entre los abonos no fueron significativas, solo el contenido de P fue significativamente mayor en el compost. Los abonos orgánicos tuvieron relaciones C:N y contenidos de N, P, K, Ca, Mg aceptables indicando que el procedimiento de elaboración de compost y lombricompost de residuos alimentarios fue eficiente.
Food waste is generally considered as garbage and is commonly disposed of in dumps or landfills where they generate methane and leachates which pollute air, soil and water. An alternative treatment of this food waste is to transform them into organic fertilizers, which after applied they provide nutrients and improve soil structure and biology. A study evaluated the conditions required for making compost and vermicompost from food waste in order to design an optimized procedure for the efficient production of these organic fertilizers. The study started with a preliminary study of the physical and chemical characteristics of the food waste and finished with interpretation of the results and the conclusions of an experiment established to develop and evaluate the procedure for the production of both organic fertilizers. The study used food waste from the cafeteria at EARTH University. The preliminary study indicated that the food waste had a very high moisture content (84 %) and a very low average C:N ratio (14) according to optimum values for material to be composted. The experiment had a primary stage in which food waste was divided into six piles and composted for 48 days and a secondary phase of 37 days in which three piles continued with the composting procedure and the other three piles were vermicomposted. Throughout the experiment, factors such as % moisture, pH, temperature and C:N ratio were measured. N, P, K, Ca and Mg contents and C:N ratios were measured in the organic fertilizers at the end of experiment. Adjustments made to maintain the parameter of each factor within its optimum range were the basis for the design a procedure to produce the organic fertilizers. The efficiency of the procedure was assessed by comparing the results of the C:N ratios and nutrient contents of the organic fertilizers with optimum values. Differences in C:N ratios and N, K, Ca and Mg contents between organic fertilizers were not significant, only P content was significantly larger in the compost. The procedure to produce compost and vermicompost from food waste was efficient because C:N ratios and N, P, K, Ca and Mg contents were ranked as acceptable in both organic fertilizers.
Food waste is generally considered as garbage and is commonly disposed of in dumps or landfills where they generate methane and leachates which pollute air, soil and water. An alternative treatment of this food waste is to transform them into organic fertilizers, which after applied they provide nutrients and improve soil structure and biology. A study evaluated the conditions required for making compost and vermicompost from food waste in order to design an optimized procedure for the efficient production of these organic fertilizers. The study started with a preliminary study of the physical and chemical characteristics of the food waste and finished with interpretation of the results and the conclusions of an experiment established to develop and evaluate the procedure for the production of both organic fertilizers. The study used food waste from the cafeteria at EARTH University. The preliminary study indicated that the food waste had a very high moisture content (84 %) and a very low average C:N ratio (14) according to optimum values for material to be composted. The experiment had a primary stage in which food waste was divided into six piles and composted for 48 days and a secondary phase of 37 days in which three piles continued with the composting procedure and the other three piles were vermicomposted. Throughout the experiment, factors such as % moisture, pH, temperature and C:N ratio were measured. N, P, K, Ca and Mg contents and C:N ratios were measured in the organic fertilizers at the end of experiment. Adjustments made to maintain the parameter of each factor within its optimum range were the basis for the design a procedure to produce the organic fertilizers. The efficiency of the procedure was assessed by comparing the results of the C:N ratios and nutrient contents of the organic fertilizers with optimum values. Differences in C:N ratios and N, K, Ca and Mg contents between organic fertilizers were not significant, only P content was significantly larger in the compost. The procedure to produce compost and vermicompost from food waste was efficient because C:N ratios and N, P, K, Ca and Mg contents were ranked as acceptable in both organic fertilizers.
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