Correlaciones de mapas de suelos e imágenes multiespectrales para el diagnóstico de una finca de banano (Musa spp.) en el trópico húmedo
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Universidad EARTH
La agricultura de precisión es una rama de la agricultura que conforme a su desarrollo ha venido revolucionando los sistemas de producción como una gran alternativa para conseguir sistemas más sostenibles. El presente estudio buscó evaluar algunas herramientas de agricultura de precisión que podrían contribuir a mejorar los sistemas de productores bananeros a través de tecnologías que sean más accesibles. Se realizó la evaluación de la correlación entre tres índices de vegetación (IVs): NDVI (normalized vegetation index), ARVI (atmospherically resistant vegetation index) y EVI (enhanced vegetation index) con las variables edáficas acidez extractable, pH, Ca, K y la productividad. Para obtener los IVs se trabajó con una imagen del satélite Landsat 8 la cual fue procesada y se generaron mapas de los ÍVs. Para las variables edáficas se utilizaron los datos de la Finca Comercial de Banano de la Universidad EARTH correspondientes al año 2015 y se generaron mapas de cada uno mediante el método de interpolación geoestadística kriging. Para la generación de estos mapas se realizó un ajuste del método que automáticamente ofrece el sistema de información geográfica SAGA. Para evaluar el ajuste desarrollado, se realizó un muestreo de suelo para la validación del método. Con base en los resultados obtenidos, se sugiere que el modelo de interpolación es cercano a los valores hallados en campo. También se realizó una comparación con los mapas generados en el programa Surfer y no se encontraron diferencias significativas. Previo a la correlación se desarrollaron procedimientos para asegurar la coincidencia de los pixeles de los mapas de las variables a correlacionar. Se realizaron dos análisis de correlación, uno mediante el software R y otro con el programa InfoStat. Para los análisis en R se trabajó con los archivos ráster de cada mapa directamente mientras que para InfoStat se desarrolló un protocolo para extraer los valores de cada píxel. Ambos análisis dieron resultados similares, con valores de coeficientes de correlación muy bajos (<0.7); sin embargo, los valores p indican que existe potencial predictivo de las variables edáficas a partir de los IVs.
Precision agriculture is a division of agriculture that, as it has grown, has become a great opportunity for developing sustainable systems. This study evaluated different tools of precision agriculture that could contribute to the improvement of banana farmers’ systems by using more accessible technology. A correlation analysis was done for evaluating the relationship between three vegetation indexes (VIs): NDVI (normalized vegetation index), ARVI (atmospherically resistant vegetation index) and EVI (enhanced vegetation index) with the soil variables extractable acidity, pH, Ca, K and productivity. For obtaining the VIs, a Landsat 8 satellite image was processed and maps were prepared for each VI. For the soil variables, information from the 2015 soil register compiled by the Commercial Banana Farm of EARTH University was used. For each variable, a soil map was made using geospatial interpolation kriging. For the generation of these maps, an automatic adjustment to the method was made using the geographic information system SAGA. To validate the method, an evaluation of the adjustment method developed was done using results of soil analyses. Based on the results obtained it is suggested that the interpolation model is close to the values that were found in the field. Additionally, a comparison was made between the model and maps generated by the Surfer program, and there were no significant differences found. Before correlation analyses were done, procedures were developed to improve the pixel coincidence of the maps. Two correlation analyses were done, one with R software and one with the InfoStat program. In the R analysis, each map was used directly whereas with InfoStat a protocol to extract the values of each pixel was developed. Both analyses obtained similar results with correlation coefficients that were very low (<0.7); nevertheless, the p values indicated that there exists a predictive potential for soil variables from VIs.
Precision agriculture is a division of agriculture that, as it has grown, has become a great opportunity for developing sustainable systems. This study evaluated different tools of precision agriculture that could contribute to the improvement of banana farmers’ systems by using more accessible technology. A correlation analysis was done for evaluating the relationship between three vegetation indexes (VIs): NDVI (normalized vegetation index), ARVI (atmospherically resistant vegetation index) and EVI (enhanced vegetation index) with the soil variables extractable acidity, pH, Ca, K and productivity. For obtaining the VIs, a Landsat 8 satellite image was processed and maps were prepared for each VI. For the soil variables, information from the 2015 soil register compiled by the Commercial Banana Farm of EARTH University was used. For each variable, a soil map was made using geospatial interpolation kriging. For the generation of these maps, an automatic adjustment to the method was made using the geographic information system SAGA. To validate the method, an evaluation of the adjustment method developed was done using results of soil analyses. Based on the results obtained it is suggested that the interpolation model is close to the values that were found in the field. Additionally, a comparison was made between the model and maps generated by the Surfer program, and there were no significant differences found. Before correlation analyses were done, procedures were developed to improve the pixel coincidence of the maps. Two correlation analyses were done, one with R software and one with the InfoStat program. In the R analysis, each map was used directly whereas with InfoStat a protocol to extract the values of each pixel was developed. Both analyses obtained similar results with correlation coefficients that were very low (<0.7); nevertheless, the p values indicated that there exists a predictive potential for soil variables from VIs.
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