Evaluación agronómica de cuatro genotipos promisorios de banano para exportación.
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Universidad EARTH
El objetivo de la presente investigación fue evaluar el comportamiento agronómico y potencial productivo de cuatro cultivares de banana promisorios para exportación: Baby Banana (Musa AA), Red Macabú (Musa AAA), Gros Michel (Musa AAA) y el cultivar comercial más usado Gran Enano (Musa AAA). El experimento fue establecido en un diseño de bloques completos al azar en el proyecto MUSA financiado por Horizonte 20202 en la universidad EARTH. Las variables de crecimiento evaluadas al momento de la cosecha fueron, altura de la planta, circunferencia del pseudotallo a 1 m de altura y el número de hojas. Con relación a las variables productivas, se registraron el peso del racimo, el número de dedos por racimo y para cada dedo se registró el largo, grado y peso del dedo de cada mano. Los resultados indicaron que el cultivar más alto fue Gros Michel con 3,85 m y el menor Gran Enano con 2.43 m, para la circunferencia Gros Michel fue el más vigoroso con 77,83 cm y el menos vigoroso fue Baby Banana con 48,95 cm. Con relación al número de hojas Baby Banana registro 6,75 y los demás cultivares tuvieron menos de 4 hojas a la cosecha. Con relación al peso de racimo el mayor peso lo registro Gros Michel con 23.5 kg, seguido de Gran Enano con 16,26 kg y el menor peso lo registro Baby Banana con 8,46 kg. Con relación al número de dedos por racimo, el menor valor lo registro Red Macabú con 65 dedos mientras de los demás cultivares registraron mas de 106. Con relación al largo, grado y peso del dedo relacionado con la posición de la mano, existieron diferencias significativas en los cuatro cultivares y el patrón fue el mismo, el mayor largo, grado y peso del dedo se obtuvo en la primera mano y el menor en la última. Red Macabú registró el mayor peso del dedo con 176.59 g y el grado del dedo fue 57,21. Mientras que Baby Banana obtuvo el menor peso de dedo con 47,46 g y el menor grado fue 39,77. Con relación al largo del dedo Gros Michel registro el mayor valor con 21.25 cm y Baby Banana el menor con 10.41 cm.
The objective of the present research was to evaluate the agronomic behavior and productive potential of four promising banana cultivars for export: Baby Banana (Musa AA), Red Macabú (Musa AAA), Gros Michel (Musa AAA) and the most used commercial cultivar Gran Enano (Musa AAA). The experiment was established in a randomized full block design in the MUSA project funded by Horizon 20202 at EARTH University. The growth variables evaluated at harvest were plant height, circumference of the pseudo stem at 1 m height and the number of leaves. In relation to the productive variables, the weight of the bunch, the number of fingers per bunch and for each finger the length, degree and weight of the finger of each hand were registered. The results indicated that the tallest cultivar was Gros Michel with 3,85 m and the smallest Gran Enano with 2,43 m, for the circumference Gros Michel was the most vigorous with 77,83 cm and the least vigorous was Baby Banana with 48,95 cm. In relation to the number of leaves Baby Banana registered 6,75 and the other cultivars had less than 4 leaves at harvest. In relation to the bunch weight, Gros Michel registered the highest weight with 23,5 kg, followed by Gran Enano with 16,26 kg and the lowest weight was Baby Banana with 8,46 kg. In relation to the number of fingers per bunch, the lowest value was registered by Red Macabú with 65 fingers while the other cultivars registered more than 106. In relation to the length, degree and weight of the finger related to the position of the hand, there were significant differences in the four cultivars and the pattern was the same, the longest, degree and weight of the finger was obtained in the first hand and the lowest in the last. Red Macabú registered the highest weight of the finger with 176,59 g and the degree of the finger was 57,21. While Baby Banana obtained the lowest finger weight with 47,46 g and the lowest grade was 39.77. In relation to the length of the finger Gros Michel registered the highest value with 21,25 cm and Baby Banana the lowest with 10,41 cm.
The objective of the present research was to evaluate the agronomic behavior and productive potential of four promising banana cultivars for export: Baby Banana (Musa AA), Red Macabú (Musa AAA), Gros Michel (Musa AAA) and the most used commercial cultivar Gran Enano (Musa AAA). The experiment was established in a randomized full block design in the MUSA project funded by Horizon 20202 at EARTH University. The growth variables evaluated at harvest were plant height, circumference of the pseudo stem at 1 m height and the number of leaves. In relation to the productive variables, the weight of the bunch, the number of fingers per bunch and for each finger the length, degree and weight of the finger of each hand were registered. The results indicated that the tallest cultivar was Gros Michel with 3,85 m and the smallest Gran Enano with 2,43 m, for the circumference Gros Michel was the most vigorous with 77,83 cm and the least vigorous was Baby Banana with 48,95 cm. In relation to the number of leaves Baby Banana registered 6,75 and the other cultivars had less than 4 leaves at harvest. In relation to the bunch weight, Gros Michel registered the highest weight with 23,5 kg, followed by Gran Enano with 16,26 kg and the lowest weight was Baby Banana with 8,46 kg. In relation to the number of fingers per bunch, the lowest value was registered by Red Macabú with 65 fingers while the other cultivars registered more than 106. In relation to the length, degree and weight of the finger related to the position of the hand, there were significant differences in the four cultivars and the pattern was the same, the longest, degree and weight of the finger was obtained in the first hand and the lowest in the last. Red Macabú registered the highest weight of the finger with 176,59 g and the degree of the finger was 57,21. While Baby Banana obtained the lowest finger weight with 47,46 g and the lowest grade was 39.77. In relation to the length of the finger Gros Michel registered the highest value with 21,25 cm and Baby Banana the lowest with 10,41 cm.
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