Propuesta de Arboretum educativo basada en las especies forestales en peligro de extinción de la zona atlántica costarricense.
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Universidad EARTH
La protección de la biodiversidad representa un bienestar presente y futuro para la humanidad; de ella provienen los recursos necesarios para mantener el equilibrio de los ecosistemas en la tierra, logrando de esta manera que la vida sea posible. Costa Rica representa un 6 % de la biodiversidad del planeta y en la actualidad el 52.38 % de su territorio es cubierto por bosques. En las últimas décadas se logró recuperar gran porcentaje de la cobertura forestal del país mediante iniciativas de conservación, pero como resultado del manejo inadecuado de los recursos forestales, año con año, las especies forestales en peligro de extinción aumentan. La conservación de recursos forestales más común es la conservación in situ, dando como resultado las zonas protegidas, las cuales representan un 50 % de la cobertura forestal. Esto permite entender la importancia que tiene el promover sistemas de conservación ex situ, a través de jardines botánicos, colecciones y plantaciones forestales. El objetivo del siguiente trabajo fue desarrollar una propuesta de arboretum educativo basada en las especies en peligro de extinción de la zona atlántica costarricense, con el fin de ser establecida dentro de las instalaciones de la Universidad EARTH, las Mercedes, Guácimo, Limón, Costa Rica. Se identificaron 12 especies forestales con algún grado de amenaza y con registros de presencia en el atlántico costarricense. Seguidamente se describió paso a paso el proceso de creación de la propuesta, comenzando por un diagnóstico del área en estudio, una zonificación del espacio y definición de los componentes que formarían parte del arboretum. Todo fue unificado mediante tres propuestas: creación del sendero interpretativo, diseño florístico, y diseño paisajístico del arboretum educativo EARTH, en la cual se representa visualmente la distribución espacial de los componentes de la propuesta. Finalmente, como parte de las gestiones para el establecimiento del arboretum, se logró ejecutar el 75 % de la primera fase de ejecución la cual incluye la preparación de espacio, trazado de los senderos y el plantado de 10 especies forestales en peligro de extinción.
The protection of biodiversity represents a current and future welfare for humanity; it provides the necessary resources to maintain the balance of ecosystems on earth, thus making life possible. Costa Rica represents 6 % of the planet's biodiversity and currently 52.38 % of its territory is covered by forests. In recent decades, a large percentage of the country's forest cover has been recovered through conservation initiatives, but as a result of inadequate management of forest resources, year after year, the number of endangered forest species increases. The most common conservation of forest resources is in situ conservation, resulting in protected areas which represent 50% of the forest cover. This allows understanding the importance of promoting ex situ conservation systems, through botanical gardens, collections, and forest plantations. The objective of the following work was to develop a proposal for an educational arboretum based on endangered species of the Costa Rican Atlantic zone in order to be established within the facilities of EARTH University, Las Mercedes, Guácimo, Limón, Costa Rica. Twelve forest species with some degree of threat and with records of presence in the Costa Rican Atlantic were identified. Next, the process of creating the proposal was described step by step, starting with a diagnosis of the area under study, a zoning of the space and a definition of the components that would form part of the arboretum. Everything was unified through three proposals: creation of the interpretive trail, floristic design, and landscape design of the EARTH educational arboretum, in which the spatial distribution of the components of the proposal is visually represented. Finally, as part of the efforts to establish the arboretum, 75 % of the first phase of the project was completed, which includes preparing the space, laying out the trails and planting 10 endangered forest species.
The protection of biodiversity represents a current and future welfare for humanity; it provides the necessary resources to maintain the balance of ecosystems on earth, thus making life possible. Costa Rica represents 6 % of the planet's biodiversity and currently 52.38 % of its territory is covered by forests. In recent decades, a large percentage of the country's forest cover has been recovered through conservation initiatives, but as a result of inadequate management of forest resources, year after year, the number of endangered forest species increases. The most common conservation of forest resources is in situ conservation, resulting in protected areas which represent 50% of the forest cover. This allows understanding the importance of promoting ex situ conservation systems, through botanical gardens, collections, and forest plantations. The objective of the following work was to develop a proposal for an educational arboretum based on endangered species of the Costa Rican Atlantic zone in order to be established within the facilities of EARTH University, Las Mercedes, Guácimo, Limón, Costa Rica. Twelve forest species with some degree of threat and with records of presence in the Costa Rican Atlantic were identified. Next, the process of creating the proposal was described step by step, starting with a diagnosis of the area under study, a zoning of the space and a definition of the components that would form part of the arboretum. Everything was unified through three proposals: creation of the interpretive trail, floristic design, and landscape design of the EARTH educational arboretum, in which the spatial distribution of the components of the proposal is visually represented. Finally, as part of the efforts to establish the arboretum, 75 % of the first phase of the project was completed, which includes preparing the space, laying out the trails and planting 10 endangered forest species.
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