Estudio de viabilidad económica para implementar una planta de productos elaborados a base de café en Galápagos, Ecuador.
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Universidad EARTH
La presente evaluación se realizó para determinar la viabilidad económica para la implementación de una planta de productos elaborados a base de café con el propósito de impulsar el emprendimiento agroindustrial en la Isla San Cristóbal y de esta manera lograr la creación de una marca de cerveza y licor artesanal. El trabajo consistió en una evaluación de mercado mediante encuestas que analizaron la oferta y demanda del consumo de licor y cerveza, tomando en cuenta los precios de venta, cantidad de consumo, frecuencias de pedidos y distribución del producto para obtener una visión más amplia sobre el mercado, este estudio fue efectuado a 63 de 79 locales de la zona en los cuales se consume cervezas y licores, obteniendo de esta forma un registro de información del 80 % de los posibles clientes potenciales, una evaluación técnica sobre la disponibilidad de materia prima, así como también sobre las normativas que se debe cumplir para comercialización de los productos. Por otro lado se realizó análisis sensoriales para observar la aceptación del producto y para ello se utilizó una escala hedónica a un panel de 30 personas dentro de la Universidad EARTH, en el caso del licor se realizó un análisis estadístico en cual determinó que los mejores tratamientos fueron el T4 y T2 ya que no hubo diferencia significativa. En cuanto a la cerveza se obtuvo un grado de aceptación por encima del 70 % en las variables color, olor y sabor, sin embargo en la variable amargor se obtuvo un 51 % de aceptabilidad. Por último una parte financiera que analiza la inversión inicial que es de USD 3161, el valor actual neto del proyecto el cual es del 16 % y la tasa interna de retorno la cual es del 39 %. El precio de la cerveza es de USD 4 y del licor USD 20. Esto genera un total de ingresos netos de USD 822 promedios por mes y un superávit de USD 16 807,92.
This evaluation was carried out to determine the economic viability for the implementation of a coffee-based products plant with the purpose of promoting agro-industrial entrepreneurship in San Cristobal Island and in this way to achieve the creation of a brand of artesian beer and liquor. The work consists on a market analysis through evaluations that analyze the supply and demand of the consumption of liquor and beer, taking into account the sales prices, quantity of consumption, frequencies in requesting the products, and distribution of them, in order to obtain a wider vision about the market. This studied was applied to 63 of 79 stores in the area where beers and liquors are consumed, thus obtaining an information record of 80% of potential customers, a technical evaluation of the availability of raw materials , as well as the standards that must be consider for the product commercializing. On the other hand, sensory analysis was performed to observe the acceptance of the product, it was used a hedonic scale with a panel of 30 people within the EARTH University, in the case of liquor a statistical analysis was carried out and it determined that the best treatments were the T4 and T2 since no significant difference was found. For the beer, an acceptance degree above 70 % was obtained with the variables of color, smell and taste, however, in the bitter variable, 51 % of acceptability was obtained. Finally, a financial analysis shows an initial investment of USD 3161, the net present value of the project which is 16 % and the internal rate of return which is 39 %. The price of the beer is USD 4 and USD 20 for the liquor. This generates a total net income of USD 822 average per month and a surplus of USD 16 807.92.
This evaluation was carried out to determine the economic viability for the implementation of a coffee-based products plant with the purpose of promoting agro-industrial entrepreneurship in San Cristobal Island and in this way to achieve the creation of a brand of artesian beer and liquor. The work consists on a market analysis through evaluations that analyze the supply and demand of the consumption of liquor and beer, taking into account the sales prices, quantity of consumption, frequencies in requesting the products, and distribution of them, in order to obtain a wider vision about the market. This studied was applied to 63 of 79 stores in the area where beers and liquors are consumed, thus obtaining an information record of 80% of potential customers, a technical evaluation of the availability of raw materials , as well as the standards that must be consider for the product commercializing. On the other hand, sensory analysis was performed to observe the acceptance of the product, it was used a hedonic scale with a panel of 30 people within the EARTH University, in the case of liquor a statistical analysis was carried out and it determined that the best treatments were the T4 and T2 since no significant difference was found. For the beer, an acceptance degree above 70 % was obtained with the variables of color, smell and taste, however, in the bitter variable, 51 % of acceptability was obtained. Finally, a financial analysis shows an initial investment of USD 3161, the net present value of the project which is 16 % and the internal rate of return which is 39 %. The price of the beer is USD 4 and USD 20 for the liquor. This generates a total net income of USD 822 average per month and a surplus of USD 16 807.92.
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