Producción de hongos Pleurotus ostreatus de forma ornamental.
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Universidad EARTH
Existen numerosas especies de hongos formadores de carpóforo con características nutricionales, compuestos químicos, formas exóticas y organolépticas únicas por lo que ha incentivado la producción de hongos a nivel industrial y la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas de producción. En el presente se evaluó la producción del hongo Pleurotus ostreatus de forma ornamental con la finalidad de generar un nuevo mercado dentro de la industria turística y también como alternativa para disminuir el uso de bolsas plásticas durante la siembra e inoculación. La estructura del diseño experimental fue, tres repeticiones por cada tratamiento, T1 en macetas N° 5, T2 en macetas N° 8, T3 en macetas N° 10 y el testigo (TS) en bolsas plásticas polietileno, dentro de cada tratamiento se agrupo por el número de primordios (2p y >2p) y se evaluó sus características cualitativas y cuantitativas. De los cuatro tratamientos evaluados el T3 con dos primordios en macetas N° 10 presento características de un hongo formador de carpóforo, su capacidad de producción es de dos cosechas sin que la calidad disminuya. El T3 presento 9.2 cm de diámetro del píleo, 100 % de color blanquecino, 86 % de frecuencia en forma plano-convexo (carpóforo), 59.73 g de hongo fresco, 181.46 % de eficiencia biológica y 0.597 g/cm2 en rendimiento. El T3 no presento diferencias estadísticamente significativas en comparación al TS. La producción de hongos Pleurotus ostreatus en macetas de forma ornamental es viable, uso de maceta número diez conserva las características de un hongo en cuanto a calidad y estética, también se observó el uso de maceta como una alternativa para disminuir el uso de bolsas plásticas y de esta manera contribuir a la conservación ambiental.
There are numerous species of carpophore forming fungi with unique nutritional characteristics, chemical compounds, exotic and organoleptic forms, which has encouraged the production of fungi at an industrial level and the search for new production alternatives. At present, the production of the Pleurotus ostreatus fungus was evaluated in an ornamental way in order to generate a new market within the tourist industry and also as an alternative to reduce the use of plastic bags during sowing and inoculation. The structure of the experimental design was, three repetitions for each treatment, T1 in pot N° 5, T2 in pot N° 8, T3 in pot N° 10 and the control (TS) in polyethylene plastic bags. Within each treatment the number of primordiums (2p and >2p) was divided and its qualitative and quantitative characteristics were evaluated. Of the four treatments evaluated the T3 with two primordios in flowerpot N° 10 presented characteristics of a producing fungus of carpophore, its capacity of production was two harvests without a reduction in quality. The T3 presented 9.2 cm of diameter of the pileus, 100 % of whitish color, 86 % of frequency in flat-convex form (carpophore), 59.73 g of fresh fungus, 181.46 % of biological efficiency and 0.597 g/cm2 in yield. T3 showed no statistically significant difference compared to TS. The production of Pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms in ornamental pots is viable, use of pot number ten preserves the characteristics of a fungus in terms of quality and aesthetics, also observed the use of pot as an alternative to reduce the use of plastic bags and thus contribute to environmental conservation.
There are numerous species of carpophore forming fungi with unique nutritional characteristics, chemical compounds, exotic and organoleptic forms, which has encouraged the production of fungi at an industrial level and the search for new production alternatives. At present, the production of the Pleurotus ostreatus fungus was evaluated in an ornamental way in order to generate a new market within the tourist industry and also as an alternative to reduce the use of plastic bags during sowing and inoculation. The structure of the experimental design was, three repetitions for each treatment, T1 in pot N° 5, T2 in pot N° 8, T3 in pot N° 10 and the control (TS) in polyethylene plastic bags. Within each treatment the number of primordiums (2p and >2p) was divided and its qualitative and quantitative characteristics were evaluated. Of the four treatments evaluated the T3 with two primordios in flowerpot N° 10 presented characteristics of a producing fungus of carpophore, its capacity of production was two harvests without a reduction in quality. The T3 presented 9.2 cm of diameter of the pileus, 100 % of whitish color, 86 % of frequency in flat-convex form (carpophore), 59.73 g of fresh fungus, 181.46 % of biological efficiency and 0.597 g/cm2 in yield. T3 showed no statistically significant difference compared to TS. The production of Pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms in ornamental pots is viable, use of pot number ten preserves the characteristics of a fungus in terms of quality and aesthetics, also observed the use of pot as an alternative to reduce the use of plastic bags and thus contribute to environmental conservation.
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