Desarrollo de productos agroindustriales derivados del fruto de Rambután (Nephelium lappaceum).
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Universidad EARTH
El rambután Nephelium lappaceum, mayormente conocido en Costa Rica como “Mamón Chino” es un fruto de origen asiático. Se estima que el cultivo ingresó al territorio costarricense en la década de los 60’s, gestionado por la empresa trasnacional United Fruit Company, posicionándose como productor del cultivo. Actualmente, en el mercado costarricense no existen variedades de productos a base de rambután, por lo que la siguiente investigación tiene como objetivo el desarrollar dos productos agroindustriales derivados del fruto de rambután. De igual manera el definir parámetros de calidad de materias primas y productos terminados que permitan conocer las condiciones de almacenamiento para finalmente perfilar un posible mercado meta. Se realizaron pruebas preliminares con tres variedades de rambután. De las cuales se seleccionaron las variedades R167 y R162 para el desarrollo de los productos. El primer producto fue nombrado ChocoRambu, el cual consistió en el desarrollo de un Licor de Cacao y Rambután Procesado Tipo Chocolate, con el uso de la semilla de rambután, el cual resultó en una formulación de un chocolate convencional de 70 % con una sustitución de 50 % cacao y 50 % rambután. Por otro lado, el segundo producto fue nombrado RambuDrink, el cual consistió en el desarrollo de una bebida con una dilución de 60 % pulpa de rambután y 40 % agua, con encapsulados gelatinosos de pulpa en una concentración de 4 % suspendidos en la bebida. La aceptación de ambos productos fue validada por medio de un análisis sensorial compuesto de una prueba de preferencia tipo escala hedónica a un total de 30 personas por prueba. Se determinó una viabilidad reducida de cuatro meses por parte de ChocoRambu, mientras que RambuDrink presentó viabilidad microbiológica, pero con problemas de oxidación en el mismo lapso. De ambos productos se obtuvieron resultados de los principales nutrientes los cuales fueron comparados con productos comerciales similares. Como parte del estudio de mercado se determinó que ChocoRambu es mejor aceptado por personas mayores a 40 años con ingresos mayores a 500,000 CRC mensuales e interés en productos innovadores y con beneficios para la salud, mientas que RambuDrink es una bebida apta para todo tipo de mercado.
Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum), mostly known in Costa Rica as "Mamon Chino" is a fruit of Asian origin. It is estimated to have entered the Costa Rican territory in the 60's, managed by the transnational United Fruit Company, which positioned itself as a producer of the crop. There are currently no rambutan based products on the costa Rican market, so the following research aims to develop two agro-industrial products derived from the fruit of rambutan and in the same way, define quality parameters of raw materials and finished products that allow knowing the storage conditions to finally outline a possible target market. Preliminary tests were carried out with three varieties of rambutan of which the varieties R167 and R162 were selected for the development of the products. The first product was named ChocoRambu, which consisted of a processed Chocolate-Type Cocoa and Rambutan Liqueur, made using rambutan seed, which resulted in a 70 % conventional chocolate formulation with a substitution of 50 % cocoa and 50% rambutan. On the other hand, the second product was named RambuDrink, which was made by processing a drink with a dilution of 60% rambutan pulp and 40% water, with gelatinous pulp encapsulations in a concentration of 4% suspended in the drink. The acceptance of both products was validated by means of a sensory analysis composed of a hedonic scale preference test to a total of 30 people per test. A reduced viability of four months was determined by ChocoRambu, while RambuDrink presented microbiological viability, but with oxidation problems in the same period. Results of the main nutrients were obtained from both products, which were compared with similar commercial products. As part of the marketing study, it was determined that ChocoRambu is better accepted by people over 40 years of age with incomes greater than 500,000 CRC per month and interest in innovative products with health benefits, while RambuDrink is a drink suitable for all types of market.
Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum), mostly known in Costa Rica as "Mamon Chino" is a fruit of Asian origin. It is estimated to have entered the Costa Rican territory in the 60's, managed by the transnational United Fruit Company, which positioned itself as a producer of the crop. There are currently no rambutan based products on the costa Rican market, so the following research aims to develop two agro-industrial products derived from the fruit of rambutan and in the same way, define quality parameters of raw materials and finished products that allow knowing the storage conditions to finally outline a possible target market. Preliminary tests were carried out with three varieties of rambutan of which the varieties R167 and R162 were selected for the development of the products. The first product was named ChocoRambu, which consisted of a processed Chocolate-Type Cocoa and Rambutan Liqueur, made using rambutan seed, which resulted in a 70 % conventional chocolate formulation with a substitution of 50 % cocoa and 50% rambutan. On the other hand, the second product was named RambuDrink, which was made by processing a drink with a dilution of 60% rambutan pulp and 40% water, with gelatinous pulp encapsulations in a concentration of 4% suspended in the drink. The acceptance of both products was validated by means of a sensory analysis composed of a hedonic scale preference test to a total of 30 people per test. A reduced viability of four months was determined by ChocoRambu, while RambuDrink presented microbiological viability, but with oxidation problems in the same period. Results of the main nutrients were obtained from both products, which were compared with similar commercial products. As part of the marketing study, it was determined that ChocoRambu is better accepted by people over 40 years of age with incomes greater than 500,000 CRC per month and interest in innovative products with health benefits, while RambuDrink is a drink suitable for all types of market.
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