Efecto de la suplementación nutricional y la aplicación de selenio preparto sobre parámetros productivos en vacas lecheras del trópico húmedo.
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Universidad EARTH
El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el efecto de la suplementación nutricional y la aplicación de selenio preparto en los parámetros productivos en vacas lecheras. Se seleccionaron un total de 35 animales los cuales estuvieron divididos en T1, T2, T3 y T4, siendo el primer tratamiento el control, el segundo con la suplementación nutricional, el tercer tratamiento con la aplicación de 2 inyecciones de 15 ml selenio preparto a los 30 y 15 días antes del parto y el ultimo la unión de la suplementación nutricional con el selenio. Los datos de medición de calostro y peso del ternero se tomaron al momento del parto y los de producción de leche se tomaron por 3 meses después del parto. En el análisis de calidad de calostro no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos ya que su valor p fue de 0,9388 y los promedios encontrados fueron: T1 94, T2 88.8, T3 91.8 y T4 85.7 miligramos de inmunoglobulinas por mililitro de calostro. En el peso al nacimiento se realizó la comparación entre tratamientos y no se encontraron diferencias significativas ya que se obtuvo un p-valor de 0,8517 con promedios de tratamientos de 31.94 kg, 29.83 kg, 30.50 kg y 28.79 kg para el T1, T2, T3 y T4, respectivamente. En la producción de leche se analizaron los promedios de producción de los cuales se obtuvo una diferencia significativa con un p-valor de <0.0001, el T4 tuvo una mayor producción en comparación a los otros tratamientos con un promedio de 14.01 L en comparación al T1, T2 y T3 que obtuvieron 11.08 L, 12.82 L y 11.92 L, respectivamente.
In order to evaluate the effect of nutritional supplementation and the application of selenium prepartum on productive parameters in dairy cows. A total of 35 animals were selected and divided into T1, T2, T3, and T4. The first treatment was the control, the second only nutritional supplementation, the third with the application of 2 injections of 15 ml selenium prepartum at 30 and 15 days before calving and the last one the combination of nutritional supplementation and selenium. Colostrum and calf weight data were taken at calving, and milk production data were taken for three months after calving. In the analysis of colostrum quality, no significant differences were found between treatments since its p-value was 0.9388 and the averages found were T1 94, T2 88.8, T3 91.8, and T4 85.7 milligrams of immunoglobulins per milliliter of colostrum. A comparison between treatments was performed using the birth weight, and no significant differences were found, since a p-value of 0.8517 with treatment averages of 31.94 kg, 29.83 kg, 30.50 kg, and 28.79 kg for T1, T2, T3, and T4, respectively. In milk production, it was analyzed the production averages and a significant difference was obtained with a p-value of <0.0001, T4 had a higher production compared to the other treatments with an average of 14.01 L compared to T1, T2, and T3 that obtained 11.08 L, 12.82 L, and 11.92 L, respectively.
In order to evaluate the effect of nutritional supplementation and the application of selenium prepartum on productive parameters in dairy cows. A total of 35 animals were selected and divided into T1, T2, T3, and T4. The first treatment was the control, the second only nutritional supplementation, the third with the application of 2 injections of 15 ml selenium prepartum at 30 and 15 days before calving and the last one the combination of nutritional supplementation and selenium. Colostrum and calf weight data were taken at calving, and milk production data were taken for three months after calving. In the analysis of colostrum quality, no significant differences were found between treatments since its p-value was 0.9388 and the averages found were T1 94, T2 88.8, T3 91.8, and T4 85.7 milligrams of immunoglobulins per milliliter of colostrum. A comparison between treatments was performed using the birth weight, and no significant differences were found, since a p-value of 0.8517 with treatment averages of 31.94 kg, 29.83 kg, 30.50 kg, and 28.79 kg for T1, T2, T3, and T4, respectively. In milk production, it was analyzed the production averages and a significant difference was obtained with a p-value of <0.0001, T4 had a higher production compared to the other treatments with an average of 14.01 L compared to T1, T2, and T3 that obtained 11.08 L, 12.82 L, and 11.92 L, respectively.
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