BIOTECA : biblioteca y banco germinativo de semillas criollas.
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Universidad EARTH
Se diseñó la Primer Biblioteca de Semillas Criollas a nivel Universitario en América Latina, a diferencia de un banco, una biblioteca ofrece préstamos de material criollo ancestral, hasta lograr combinar los 2 métodos de conservación de semillas ex si tu e in situ. El Banco germinativo es un método de conservación in situ donde se preserva el material genético en un micro clima natural de policultivos. La biblioteca preserva el material mediante técnicas de conservación de la semilla en un ambiente controlado, es decir Ex si tu. Logrando preservar semillas ortodoxas y recalcitrantes. Para realizar ambos métodos de conservación el proyecto se dividió en 5 Fases. En la primer Fase se realizó una búsqueda de información y se recibió formación técnica en el manejo de semillas criollas. En la segunda fase se aborda el diseño y logística para realizar un banco germinativo, así como el proceso de selección inicial de semillas. En la fase 3 se realizó una encuesta cerrada a nivel institucional para conocer los conocimientos bases de los y las interesadas en el manejo de material ancestral, vinculándolo con la reglamentación y los protocolos de préstamos de semillas, generando información para iniciar 4 jornadas educativas. En la fase 4, se abordan conceptos básicos como la semilla, manejo, almacenamiento, abonos orgánicos como fuente de sustratos y deficiencias Nutricionales y plagas comunes, en esta misma fase se ha generado espacios participativos, educativos entre trabajadores y estudiantes. Fase 5 o fase final, se dan por concluidas las jornadas de capacitación, logrando certificar a más de 13 personas en la preservación y manejo de semillas criollas. Logrando la inauguración exitosa de BIOTECA, biblioteca de semillas criollas en la Universidad EARTH. El proyecto se basó en la necesidad de lograr transmitir el conocimiento entre funcionarios y estudiantes, la importancia de la semilla en la agricultura y su adecuado manejo.
The First Library of Creole Seeds was designed at the University level in Latin America. Unlike a bank, a library offers loans of ancestral Creole material, until it is possible to combine the 2 methods of seed conservation ex situ and in situ. The germ bank is an in situ conservation method where genetic material is preserved in a natural microclimate of polycultures. The library preserves the material through seed conservation techniques in a controlled environment, that is, ex situ. Managing to preserve orthodox and recalcitrant seeds. To carry out both conservation methods, the project was divided into 5 Phases. In the first phase, an information search was carried out and technical training was received in the handling of creole seeds. The second phase addresses the design and logistics to create a germ bank, as well as the initial seed selection process. In phase 3, a closed survey was carried out at the institutional level to know the basic knowledge of those interested in the management of ancestral material, linking it with the regulations and seed loan protocols, generating information to start 4 educational sessions. In phase 4, basic concepts such as seed handling, and storage, organic fertilizers as a source of substrates and nutritional deficiencies and common pests are addressed, in this same phase participatory, educational spaces have been generated between workers and students. Phase 5 or final phase, the training sessions are concluded, managing to certify more than 13 people in the preservation and handling of Creole seeds. Achieving the successful inauguration of BIOTECA, Creole seed library at EARTH University. The project was based on the need to transmit knowledge among officials and students, the importance of seed in agriculture and its proper managemen
The First Library of Creole Seeds was designed at the University level in Latin America. Unlike a bank, a library offers loans of ancestral Creole material, until it is possible to combine the 2 methods of seed conservation ex situ and in situ. The germ bank is an in situ conservation method where genetic material is preserved in a natural microclimate of polycultures. The library preserves the material through seed conservation techniques in a controlled environment, that is, ex situ. Managing to preserve orthodox and recalcitrant seeds. To carry out both conservation methods, the project was divided into 5 Phases. In the first phase, an information search was carried out and technical training was received in the handling of creole seeds. The second phase addresses the design and logistics to create a germ bank, as well as the initial seed selection process. In phase 3, a closed survey was carried out at the institutional level to know the basic knowledge of those interested in the management of ancestral material, linking it with the regulations and seed loan protocols, generating information to start 4 educational sessions. In phase 4, basic concepts such as seed handling, and storage, organic fertilizers as a source of substrates and nutritional deficiencies and common pests are addressed, in this same phase participatory, educational spaces have been generated between workers and students. Phase 5 or final phase, the training sessions are concluded, managing to certify more than 13 people in the preservation and handling of Creole seeds. Achieving the successful inauguration of BIOTECA, Creole seed library at EARTH University. The project was based on the need to transmit knowledge among officials and students, the importance of seed in agriculture and its proper managemen
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