Diseño de un sistema agroforestal agroecológico basado en Coffea arabica para la zona de Copey de Dota, Costa Rica
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Universidad EARTH
Se diseñó un Sistema Agroforestal Agroecológico basado en Coffea arabica, el cual combina el concepto de agroforestería y agroecología como una práctica de combinación de árboles, cultivos perennes y anuales considerando sus interacciones ecológicas dentro de un sistema bajo un manejo integrado de producción. El diseño esta propuesto para un área de 6374 m2 en Copey de Dota. El área está ubicada en la ladera de una montaña a una altura desde los 1937 msnm hasta los 1974 msnm, con una pendiente promedio de 18 %. El suelo del área se clasifica bajo el orden Ultisol, de litología volcánica. Posee una textura franco arcilloso limoso, una densidad aparente de 0.8 g/cm3 y un espacio poroso de 62%. Presenta deficiencias en elementos como el K, Ca, Mg, Na, P y S, mientras que el Fe y Mn se encontraron fuera del rango. Posee un pH promedio de 4,84 y un valor de acidez extractable de 1,62 cmol(+)/L. Las relaciones Ca, K y Mg, presentaron en su mayoría valores dentro del rango. Presentó un total de biomasa microbiana de 409 mg/C/kg. Además, se calculó la relación C/N, la saturación de acidez intercambiable y la suma de bases. El sistema contemplo interacciones agroecológicas como biodiversidad, sinergismo, reciclaje de nutrientes, rotación de cultivos, cultivos perennes y de cobertura. El arreglo espacial de los componentes está basado en un sistema simultáneo y en callejones, con las siguientes especies: Coffea arabica, Alnus acuminata, Persea americana, Musa sp., Erythrina sp., Tithonia diversifolia, Phaseolus vulgaris, Phaseolus coccineus, Solanum quitoense y Arracacia xanthorrhiza. Con base a la información de línea base, las especies seleccionadas y las prácticas culturales de la zona, se propuso un manejo del suelo y fertilización, un manejo de plagas y podas para el sistema, considerando la especificidad que requiere Coffea arabica y Persea americana. De igual manera, se planteó el manejo poscosecha y potencial valor agregado para la mayoría de las especies productivas. Por último, se estimó un presupuesto de implementación de un total de CRC 1,304,337.
An Agroecological Agroforestry System based on Coffea arabica was designed, which combines the concept of agroforestry and agroecology as a practice of combining trees, perennial and annual crops considering their ecological interactions within a system under an integrated production management. The design is proposed for an area of 6374 m2 in Copey de Dota, Costa Rica. The area is located on the side of a mountain at an altitude from 1937 masl to 1974 masl, with an average slope of 18 %. The soil of the area is classified under the order Ultisol, of volcanic lithology. It has a silty clay loam texture, an apparent density of 0.8 g/cm3 and a porosity of 62 %. It presents deficiencies in elements such as K, Ca, Mg, Na, P and S, while Fe and Mn were in excess. It has an average pH of 4.84 and an extractable acidity value of 1.62 cmol (+)/L. The Ca, K and Mg relationships, presented mostly values within the range. It presented a total of microbial biomass of 409 mg/C/kg. In addition, the C/N ratio, the exchangeable acidity saturation and the sum of bases were calculated. The system includes agroecological interactions such as biodiversity, synergism, nutrient cycling, crop rotation, perennial crops and cover crops. The spatial arrangement of the components is based on a simultaneous system and alleys, with the following species: Coffea arabica, Alnus acuminata, Persea americana, Musa sp., Erythrina sp., Tithonia diversifolia, Phaseolus vulgaris, Phaseolus coccineus, Solanum quitoense and Arracacia xanthorrhiza. Based on the baseline information, the selected species and the cultural practices of the area, a soil and fertilization management, a pest and pruning management for the system was proposed, considering the specificity required by Coffea arabica and Persea americana. Similarly, postharvest management and potential added value for most productive species were raised. Finally, an implementation budget of a total of 1,304,337 CRC was estimated.
An Agroecological Agroforestry System based on Coffea arabica was designed, which combines the concept of agroforestry and agroecology as a practice of combining trees, perennial and annual crops considering their ecological interactions within a system under an integrated production management. The design is proposed for an area of 6374 m2 in Copey de Dota, Costa Rica. The area is located on the side of a mountain at an altitude from 1937 masl to 1974 masl, with an average slope of 18 %. The soil of the area is classified under the order Ultisol, of volcanic lithology. It has a silty clay loam texture, an apparent density of 0.8 g/cm3 and a porosity of 62 %. It presents deficiencies in elements such as K, Ca, Mg, Na, P and S, while Fe and Mn were in excess. It has an average pH of 4.84 and an extractable acidity value of 1.62 cmol (+)/L. The Ca, K and Mg relationships, presented mostly values within the range. It presented a total of microbial biomass of 409 mg/C/kg. In addition, the C/N ratio, the exchangeable acidity saturation and the sum of bases were calculated. The system includes agroecological interactions such as biodiversity, synergism, nutrient cycling, crop rotation, perennial crops and cover crops. The spatial arrangement of the components is based on a simultaneous system and alleys, with the following species: Coffea arabica, Alnus acuminata, Persea americana, Musa sp., Erythrina sp., Tithonia diversifolia, Phaseolus vulgaris, Phaseolus coccineus, Solanum quitoense and Arracacia xanthorrhiza. Based on the baseline information, the selected species and the cultural practices of the area, a soil and fertilization management, a pest and pruning management for the system was proposed, considering the specificity required by Coffea arabica and Persea americana. Similarly, postharvest management and potential added value for most productive species were raised. Finally, an implementation budget of a total of 1,304,337 CRC was estimated.
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