Diversidad, morfología y biología de crisópidos (insecta: Neuroptera) asociados a un agroecosistema de banano.
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Universidad EARTH
Tras la necesidad de alternativas sostenibles para el combate de plagas y la reducción del uso excesivo de agroquímicos en la agricultura, el control biológico se promueve como una solución para solventar este problema dentro del marco del Manejo Integrado de Plagas. El control biológico consiste en la utilización de cualquier organismo vivo para controlar otro que cause daño a una actividad de interés humana. Previamente a realizar un tipo de control biológico es prioritario hacer una correcta identificación del organismo con el cual se quiere trabajar, es por ello que el objetivo del presente trabajo fue identificar las especies de la familia Chrysopidae en un agroecosistema de banano, las cuales son potenciales agentes para el control de la escama blanca Diaspis boisduvalii (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) en Costa Rica. En enero del año 2021 se realizaron muestreos en el Proyecto #1 de banano en la Universidad EARTH, Guácimo, Limón. Se identificaron 178 individuos, los cuales correspondieron a ocho especies de la familia Chrysopidae, pertenecientes a los géneros Ceraeochrysa y Leucochrysa. La especie predominante correspondió a Ceraeochrysa cincta (población México a Florida) representando el 42 % del total de las muestras, seguido de Leucochrysa lancala (25 %), Ceraeochrysa smithi (22 %), Ceraeochrysa everes (5 %), Leucochrysa amazonica (4 %), Leucochrysa sp2. (1 %), Leucochrysa sp1. (0,5 %) y Leucochrysa lateralis (0,5 %) (nuevo reporte para el país). Se detallaron características morfológicas importantes de cada una de las especies con ilustraciones, lo que permitió la elaboración de una clave dicotómica para su reconocimiento. C. cincta presentó un 94 % de similitud en las pruebas moleculares. Se criaron C. cincta y L. lancala para evaluar su ciclo biológico, en condiciones controladas de 25 °C ±5, 80 % ±10 HR y un fotoperiodo 12:12 h (luz:oscuridad) y alimentadas con Sitotroga cerealella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Cereaochrysa cincta tuvo una duración total de 28,97 días (±0.26). No fue posible establecer la crianza de L. lancala. Con lo anterior se podría inferir que C. cincta es un potencial agente de control biológico para su implementación en el manejo de D. boisduvalii en el cultivo de banano.
Following the need for sustainable alternatives for pest control and the reduction of the excessive use of agrochemicals in agriculture, biological control is promoted as a solution to solve this problem within the framework of Integrated Pest Management. Biological control consists of the use of any living organism to control another organism that causes damage to an activity of human interest. Before carrying out any type of biological control, it is a priority to correctly identify the organism to work with, therefore the objective of this project was to identify the species of the Chrysopidae family in a banana agroecosystem, which are potential agents for the control of the white scale Diaspis boisduvalii (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) in Costa Rica. In January 2021, sampling was carried out in Project #1 of the banana plantation at EARTH University, Guácimo, Limón. A total of 178 individuals were identified, which corresponded to eight species of the Chrysopidae family, belonging to the genera Ceraeochrysa and Leucochrysa. The predominant species corresponded to Ceraeochrysa cincta (Mexico to Florida population) representing 42 %, followed by Leucochrysa lancala (25 %), Ceraeochrysa smithi (22 %), Ceraeochrysa everes (5 %), Leucochrysa amazonica (4 %), Leucochrysa sp2. (1 %), Leucochrysa sp1. (0,5 %) and Leucochrysa lateralis (0,5 %) (first time reported in Costa Rica). Important morphological characteristics of each species were detailed with illustrations, which allowed the elaboration of a dichotomous key for their recognition. C. cincta was identified with a 94 % similarity throughout the molecular test. C. cincta and L. lancala were reared to evaluate their life cycle, under controlled conditions of 25 °C ±5, 80 % ±10 RH and a 12:12 h photoperiod (light:dark) and fed with Sitotroga cerealella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Ceraeochrysa cincta had a total duration of 28,97 days (±0,26). It was not possible to establish the rearing of L. lancala. With the above data, it can be inferred that C. cincta is a potential biological control agent for implementation in the management of D. boisduvalii in the banana crop.
Following the need for sustainable alternatives for pest control and the reduction of the excessive use of agrochemicals in agriculture, biological control is promoted as a solution to solve this problem within the framework of Integrated Pest Management. Biological control consists of the use of any living organism to control another organism that causes damage to an activity of human interest. Before carrying out any type of biological control, it is a priority to correctly identify the organism to work with, therefore the objective of this project was to identify the species of the Chrysopidae family in a banana agroecosystem, which are potential agents for the control of the white scale Diaspis boisduvalii (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) in Costa Rica. In January 2021, sampling was carried out in Project #1 of the banana plantation at EARTH University, Guácimo, Limón. A total of 178 individuals were identified, which corresponded to eight species of the Chrysopidae family, belonging to the genera Ceraeochrysa and Leucochrysa. The predominant species corresponded to Ceraeochrysa cincta (Mexico to Florida population) representing 42 %, followed by Leucochrysa lancala (25 %), Ceraeochrysa smithi (22 %), Ceraeochrysa everes (5 %), Leucochrysa amazonica (4 %), Leucochrysa sp2. (1 %), Leucochrysa sp1. (0,5 %) and Leucochrysa lateralis (0,5 %) (first time reported in Costa Rica). Important morphological characteristics of each species were detailed with illustrations, which allowed the elaboration of a dichotomous key for their recognition. C. cincta was identified with a 94 % similarity throughout the molecular test. C. cincta and L. lancala were reared to evaluate their life cycle, under controlled conditions of 25 °C ±5, 80 % ±10 RH and a 12:12 h photoperiod (light:dark) and fed with Sitotroga cerealella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Ceraeochrysa cincta had a total duration of 28,97 days (±0,26). It was not possible to establish the rearing of L. lancala. With the above data, it can be inferred that C. cincta is a potential biological control agent for implementation in the management of D. boisduvalii in the banana crop.
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