Comparación de métodos aéreos e in-situ para la estimación de alturas en plantación de Vochysia guatemalensis.
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Universidad EARTH
La medición de la altura del árbol ha sido durante mucho tiempo parte de un atributo importante para el cálculo de crecimiento, volumen y biomasa. Con las actuales demandas madereras y la creciente explotación de los sistemas naturales que nos proveen de servicios ecológicos, resulta necesario obtener mediciones fiables y precisas para lo obtención de información. La altura del árbol se ha medido tradicionalmente por métodos indirectos realizados en campo que rara vez son comparadas. Las tecnologías aéreas con cámaras RGB y sensores LiDAR a través de vehículos aéreos no tripulados son herramientas de trabajo capaces de proporcionar información a través de modelos de nube de puntos. El objetivo de este proyecto ha sido realizar una comparación de estimaciones con diferentes métodos tradicionales In-situ y las nuevas tecnologías aéreas. Las mediciones se realizaron en una plantación de diez años con árboles de Vochysia guatemalensis, donde se utilizaron los instrumentos de medición tradicional clinómetro y láser, para los métodos aéreos se utilizó cámara RGB y LiDAR utilizando vehículos aéreos no tripulados. La comparación se realizó a través de análisis estadístico con el modelo de regresión lineal. Para la validación de cada una de las técnicas de medición se utilizó el método destructivo. Los resultados muestran que existe correlación ente el método LiDAR y método destructivo para la variable de altura. Sin embargo, el método de clinómetro tiende a sobreestimar y subestimar la altura del árbol, esto se atribuye a dificultad de visualizar la copa debido a las ramificaciones, capacidad y experiencia del técnico. El método láser mostro una similitud de estimaciones con relación al método destructivo. Para el método de cámara RGB, no se pudo obtener los datos de estimación de altura debido a diversos factores de condiciones climáticas, identificación de puntos del suelo, dosel cerrado que afectaron el procesamiento en gabinete.
Tree height measurement has long been an important attribute for calculating growth, volume and biomass. With the current demands for wood and the increasing exploitation of the natural systems that provide us with ecological services, it is necessary to obtain reliable and precise measurements of obtaining information. Tree height has traditionally been measured by indirect methods performed in the field that are rarely compared. The new aerial technologies with RGB cameras and LiDAR sensors through unmanned aerial vehicles are working tools capable of providing information through point cloud models. The aim of this project was to make a comparison of estimates with different traditional methods in-situ and new air technologies. The measurements were made in a ten year plantation with Vochysia guatemalensis trees. The instruments used in traditional measurement were clinometer and laser, and for the aerial method, RGB and LiDAR cameras along with unmanned aerial vehicles. The comparison was made through statistical analysis with the linear regression model. The destructive method was used to validate each of the measurement techniques. The results show that there is correlation between the LiDAR method and the destructive method for the height variable. However, the clinometer method tends to over and underestimate the height of the tree, this is attributed to difficulty in visualizing the crown due to the ramifications, capacity and experience of the technician. The laser method showed a similarity of estimates to the destructive method. For the RGB camera method, height estimation data could not be obtained due to various factors of climatic conditions, soil point identification, and closed canopy affecting the cabinet processing.
Tree height measurement has long been an important attribute for calculating growth, volume and biomass. With the current demands for wood and the increasing exploitation of the natural systems that provide us with ecological services, it is necessary to obtain reliable and precise measurements of obtaining information. Tree height has traditionally been measured by indirect methods performed in the field that are rarely compared. The new aerial technologies with RGB cameras and LiDAR sensors through unmanned aerial vehicles are working tools capable of providing information through point cloud models. The aim of this project was to make a comparison of estimates with different traditional methods in-situ and new air technologies. The measurements were made in a ten year plantation with Vochysia guatemalensis trees. The instruments used in traditional measurement were clinometer and laser, and for the aerial method, RGB and LiDAR cameras along with unmanned aerial vehicles. The comparison was made through statistical analysis with the linear regression model. The destructive method was used to validate each of the measurement techniques. The results show that there is correlation between the LiDAR method and the destructive method for the height variable. However, the clinometer method tends to over and underestimate the height of the tree, this is attributed to difficulty in visualizing the crown due to the ramifications, capacity and experience of the technician. The laser method showed a similarity of estimates to the destructive method. For the RGB camera method, height estimation data could not be obtained due to various factors of climatic conditions, soil point identification, and closed canopy affecting the cabinet processing.
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