Análisis comparativo de alternativas a concentrados para ganado lechero de alta producción en la zona norte de Cartago.
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Universidad EARTH
Costa Rica históricamente ha mostrado tener un sector ganadero importante para la economía, el cual en un futuro próximo puede verse afectado por alianzas comerciales con otros países. Es por esto que se ve la necesidad de cambiar las técnicas de alimentación e introducir nuevas tecnologías y evaluar su factibilidad para lograr ser competitivos ante las nuevas adversidades. Las tecnologías más sobresalientes han sido la producción de silopacas a partir de pasturas con altos contenidos nutricionales y la producción de forraje verde hidropónico en un invernadero con condiciones controladas. A partir de estas tecnologías se realizaron pruebas para saber el valor nutricional y tomando esto como base para la formulación de nuevas dietas balanceadas incluyendo estos nuevos productos y obteniendo un costo por ración. La ración que mejores resultados dio fue la que tenía como base las silopacas de ryegrass, esto por su bajo costo de producción, así como su buen contenido. En el caso del forraje verde hidropónico se encontró que tiene un costo de producción elevados sin brindar un aporte nutricional importante.
Costa Rica has historically shown to have an important livestock sector for the economy, which in the near future may be affected by commercial alliances with other countries. It is because of this that there is a necessity to change feeding techniques and introduce new technologies and evaluate their feasibility to be competitive in the face of new adversities. The most outstanding technologies have been the production of silages from pastures with high nutritional contents and the production of hydroponic forage in a greenhouse with controlled conditions. From these technologies tests were carried out to obtain the nutritional value and taking this as a basis for the formulation of new balanced diets including these new products and obtaining a cost per serving. The ration that gave the best results was based on the silage of ryegrass, this due to its low production cost, as well as its good content. In the case of hydroponic green forage, it was found to have a high production cost without providing an important nutritional contribution.
Costa Rica has historically shown to have an important livestock sector for the economy, which in the near future may be affected by commercial alliances with other countries. It is because of this that there is a necessity to change feeding techniques and introduce new technologies and evaluate their feasibility to be competitive in the face of new adversities. The most outstanding technologies have been the production of silages from pastures with high nutritional contents and the production of hydroponic forage in a greenhouse with controlled conditions. From these technologies tests were carried out to obtain the nutritional value and taking this as a basis for the formulation of new balanced diets including these new products and obtaining a cost per serving. The ration that gave the best results was based on the silage of ryegrass, this due to its low production cost, as well as its good content. In the case of hydroponic green forage, it was found to have a high production cost without providing an important nutritional contribution.
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