Modelo de escuelas productivas rurales en Bolivia y Costa Rica.
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Universidad EARTH
Es una realidad de Latinoamérica que la migración de lo rural a lo urbano y los altos índices de pobreza extrema en las zonas rurales son producto, en gran parte, de una falta de desarrollo rural. Siendo la agricultura el principal sustento económico y las familias rurales el principal actor de ésta, es elemental generar un sentido de pertenencia y oportunidades para que los jóvenes de las zonas rurales no migren y aporten en mejorar la calidad de vida en su entorno. Los Maisons Familiales Rurales en el siglo pasado, desarrollaron este sentido de pertenencia y empoderamiento en los jóvenes de zonas rurales a través de la educación. La escuela productiva rural es una propuesta que responde a una necesidad identificada en las comunidades rurales, donde lo productivo se integra en la educación a través de proyectos sostenibles con cuatro dimensiones básicas: social, medioambiental, económica y político-institucional-cultural. De esta forma la escuela se convierte en un centro de capacitación y desarrollo para las comunidades, donde se busca un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje a través de actividades productivas orientadas a un mercado. Se enfocó el trabajo en Bolivia y Costa Rica. Donde se realizó una búsqueda de escuelas con enfoque productivo y a través de unas entrevistas realizadas a la comunidad educativa, además de la revisión de literatura, se identificaron los comunes denominadores de estas escuelas. Estos se identificaron como factores de éxito, a partir de estos se generó el modelo de escuelas productivas rurales. Estos factores están relacionados con: escuela, actores principales, vinculaciones, aspectos técnicos, aspectos económicos y político institucional. Donde los aspectos económicos son los que tienen mayor falencia debido a una falta de registro y mantenimiento de proyectos. Por el otro lado la escuela y los actores principales como lo más desarrollado gracias al nivel de comunicación y organización. Como herramienta para la inserción de este tipo de proyectos se planteó un estudio de caso con la escuela mejor puntuada en estos aspectos, la Escuela San Francisco. Además se elaboró un autodiagnóstico basado en los factores para que las escuelas puedan caracterizar y emprender proyectos de este tipo.
In Latin America migration from rural to urban areas, and high indexes of extreme poverty in rural areas are, in large part, the result of a lack of rural development. With agriculture being the main economic activity and rural families the main actors, it is essential to generate a sense of belonging and opportunities so that young people in rural areas do not migrate, contributing to improving the quality of life in their surroundings. The Rural Family Maisons in the last century, developed this sense of belonging and empowerment in rural youth through education. The productive rural school is a proposal that responds to a need identified in rural communities, where productivity is integrated into education through sustainable projects with four basic dimensions: social, environmental, economic and cultural-political-institutional. In this way, the school becomes a training and development center for the communities, where a teaching-learning process is achieved through productive activities oriented to a market. The work was focused in Bolivia and Costa Rica. A search of schools with a productive approach was made and through interviews with the educational community, in addition to the literature review, the common denominators of these schools were identified. These were identified as success factors, and from these a model of rural productive schools was generated. These factors are related to: the school, the main actors, the links, the technical aspects, the economic aspects and the institutional political aspects. Economic aspects were the most flawed due to a lack of registration and maintenance of projects. On the other hand the school and the main actors were the most developed due to the level of communication and organization. As a tool for the insertion of these types of projects, a case study on the San Francisco School, which obtained the best evaluation in these aspects, was proposed. In addition, a self-diagnosis based on the factors was developed so that schools can characterize and undertake projects of this type.
In Latin America migration from rural to urban areas, and high indexes of extreme poverty in rural areas are, in large part, the result of a lack of rural development. With agriculture being the main economic activity and rural families the main actors, it is essential to generate a sense of belonging and opportunities so that young people in rural areas do not migrate, contributing to improving the quality of life in their surroundings. The Rural Family Maisons in the last century, developed this sense of belonging and empowerment in rural youth through education. The productive rural school is a proposal that responds to a need identified in rural communities, where productivity is integrated into education through sustainable projects with four basic dimensions: social, environmental, economic and cultural-political-institutional. In this way, the school becomes a training and development center for the communities, where a teaching-learning process is achieved through productive activities oriented to a market. The work was focused in Bolivia and Costa Rica. A search of schools with a productive approach was made and through interviews with the educational community, in addition to the literature review, the common denominators of these schools were identified. These were identified as success factors, and from these a model of rural productive schools was generated. These factors are related to: the school, the main actors, the links, the technical aspects, the economic aspects and the institutional political aspects. Economic aspects were the most flawed due to a lack of registration and maintenance of projects. On the other hand the school and the main actors were the most developed due to the level of communication and organization. As a tool for the insertion of these types of projects, a case study on the San Francisco School, which obtained the best evaluation in these aspects, was proposed. In addition, a self-diagnosis based on the factors was developed so that schools can characterize and undertake projects of this type.
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