Efectividad de tratamientos fitoterapéuticos en ovinos para el control de Haemonchus contortus en la Región Huetar Caribe de Costa Rica .
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Universidad EARTH
Con el objetivo de buscar soluciones al control de parásitos gastrointestinales, para que los productores tengan acceso a un tratamiento efectivo, sin generar resistencia, accesible y sin dejar residuos químicos en los alimentos y el ambiente; se evaluó la actividad de extractos etanólicos al 95 % de Ocimun micranthun, Carica papaya, Curcubita moschata y Manihot esculenta sobre Haemonchus contortus en ovejas criollas de la Unidad Académica de la Universidad EARTH, en la región Trópico Húmedo, localizada en Las Mercedes de Guácimo, Limón, Costa Rica, en el período comprendido entre febrero y abril del 2021. Se realizó un estudio preliminar con las cuatro plantas en estudio con dosis de 5 y 10 ml por administración, donde se obtuvo como mayor potencial antihelmíntico los extractos de O. micranthun y C. papaya, los que se reevaluaron en dosis de 15 y 20 ml, con una administración oral por semana por un periodo de un mes. La actividad antihelmíntica de las sustancias se analizó mediante un análisis coprológico y hematocrito, donde se realizó un recuento de huevos en heces y se correlaciono con los niveles de anemia. En la prueba in vivo, 30 ovejas infectadas naturalmente con Haemonchus contortus se dividieron en cinco tratamientos: T1: O. micranthun 15 ml; T2: O. micranthun 20 ml; T3: C. papaya 15 ml; T4: C. papaya 20 ml y T5: testigo. Los resultados obtenidos fueron analizados estadísticamente, mostrando así que el T4 presentó un comportamiento atenuante al desarrollo del H. contortus, los tratamientos T1, T2 y T3 no obtuvieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre sí y con el testigo, por lo que no presentaron eficiencia como antihelmínticas. Este experimento indica que O. micranthun, por acción de sus metabolitos secundarios, tiene un potencial antihelmíntico y es un potencial material para seguir estudiando, ya que no existen investigaciones con esta planta para el control de parásitos, por lo que este estudio contribuye al área de investigación de la salud pecuaria y la etnoveterinaria.
In order to find solutions to control gastrointestinal parasites, so that producers have access to effective treatment, without generating resistance, accessible and without leaving chemical residues in food and the environment; the activity of 95% ethanolic extracts of Ocimun micranthun, Carica papaya, Curcubita moschata and Manihot esculenta on Haemonchus contortus was evaluated in creole sheep of the Academic Unit of EARTH University, in the Humid Tropic region, located in Las Mercedes de Guácimo, Limón, Costa Rica, between February and April 2021. A preliminary study was conducted with the four plants under study with doses of 5 and 10 ml per administration, where O. micranthun and C. papaya extracts were found to have the greatest anthelmintic potential, which was reevaluated at doses of 15 and 20 ml, with one oral administration per week for a period of one month. The anthelmintic activity of the substances was analyzed by coprological and hematocrit analysis, where a fecal egg count was performed and correlated with anemia levels. In the in vivo test, 30 sheep naturally infected with Haemonchus contortus were divided into five treatments: T1: O. micranthun 15 ml; T2: O. micranthun 20 ml; T3: C. papaya 15 ml; T4: C. papaya 20 ml and T5: control. The results obtained were analyzed statistically, showing that T4 presented an attenuating behavior to the development of H. contortus, the treatments T1, T2 and T3 did not obtain statistically significant differences among themselves and with the control, so they did not present efficiency as anthelmintics. This experiment indicates that O. micranthun, by the action of its secondary metabolites, has anthelmintic potential and is a potential material for further study, since there is no research with this plant for the control of parasites, so this study contributes to the research area of livestock health and ethnoveterinary.
In order to find solutions to control gastrointestinal parasites, so that producers have access to effective treatment, without generating resistance, accessible and without leaving chemical residues in food and the environment; the activity of 95% ethanolic extracts of Ocimun micranthun, Carica papaya, Curcubita moschata and Manihot esculenta on Haemonchus contortus was evaluated in creole sheep of the Academic Unit of EARTH University, in the Humid Tropic region, located in Las Mercedes de Guácimo, Limón, Costa Rica, between February and April 2021. A preliminary study was conducted with the four plants under study with doses of 5 and 10 ml per administration, where O. micranthun and C. papaya extracts were found to have the greatest anthelmintic potential, which was reevaluated at doses of 15 and 20 ml, with one oral administration per week for a period of one month. The anthelmintic activity of the substances was analyzed by coprological and hematocrit analysis, where a fecal egg count was performed and correlated with anemia levels. In the in vivo test, 30 sheep naturally infected with Haemonchus contortus were divided into five treatments: T1: O. micranthun 15 ml; T2: O. micranthun 20 ml; T3: C. papaya 15 ml; T4: C. papaya 20 ml and T5: control. The results obtained were analyzed statistically, showing that T4 presented an attenuating behavior to the development of H. contortus, the treatments T1, T2 and T3 did not obtain statistically significant differences among themselves and with the control, so they did not present efficiency as anthelmintics. This experiment indicates that O. micranthun, by the action of its secondary metabolites, has anthelmintic potential and is a potential material for further study, since there is no research with this plant for the control of parasites, so this study contributes to the research area of livestock health and ethnoveterinary.
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