Diseño e implementación de un sistema regenerativo orgánico en el trópico húmedo.
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Universidad EARTH
Se diseñó e implementó un Sistema de Agricultura Regenerativa, basado en los principios y componentes propuestos por Regenerative Organic Certified, generando una simbiosis entre animales, cultivos y trabajadores, se consideró interacciones ecológicas, sociales y ambientales, consiguiendo una integración entre los componentes. El proyecto se diseñó valorando las características edafoclimaticas del sitio y según las necesidades del lugar. El sistema se complementa con cultivos como hortalizas, cacao y arboles forestales. Además, cuenta con animales como ovejas, patos y gallinas; lo anterior integrado con energías renovables, para lograr la sostenibilidad buscada. Se realizaron estudios de suelo para determinar la eficiencia de estos, generando datos de análisis químicos y fiscos, además se realizaron mapas georreferenciados y material visual, con el fin de contar con una estable línea grafica para el buen entendimiento y funcionamiento del sistema. Se realizaron prácticas para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y se llevó un registro de gasto energético, con el fin de analizar la implementación de más panales solares. Para asegurar la fácil implementación de este proyecto, se realizó una herramienta para analizar el estado actual de una finca y analizar que practicas se deben hacer o implementar para cumplir los alineamientos de agricultura regenerativa, además se realizó un estudio detallado de lo componentes con el fin de determinar los manejos, fertilización, plagas y enfermedades de los cultivos y dieta y manejo de los animales, esto para asegurase una buena integración y sostenibilidad de las producciones.
A Regenerative Agriculture System was designed and implemented, based on the principles and components proposed by Regenerative Organic Certified. This generated a symbiosis between animals, crops, and workers. Ecological, social, and environmental interactions were considered to achieve an integration between all these components. The project was designed based on the edaphoclimatic characteristics of the site and according to the needs of the place. The project included crops such as vegetables, cocoa and forest trees and animals such as sheep, ducks, and chickens. Renewable energies were also integrated into the system and soil studies were carried out to determine the location of the components and to generate data from chemical and physical analysis. In addition, georeferenced maps and visual material were used, to have a stable graphic line for a good understanding and operation of the system. Practices were carried out to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and a record of energy expenditure was kept, in order to analyze the implementation of more solar panels. To ensure the easy implementation of this project, a tool was made to analyze the current state of a farm and analyze what practices should be done or implemented to comply with the regenerative agriculture principles. Furthermore, a detailed study of the components was carried out to determine the management and suitable diet of the animals, the fertilization and the pests and diseases of the crops to ensure a good integration and sustainability of the productions.
A Regenerative Agriculture System was designed and implemented, based on the principles and components proposed by Regenerative Organic Certified. This generated a symbiosis between animals, crops, and workers. Ecological, social, and environmental interactions were considered to achieve an integration between all these components. The project was designed based on the edaphoclimatic characteristics of the site and according to the needs of the place. The project included crops such as vegetables, cocoa and forest trees and animals such as sheep, ducks, and chickens. Renewable energies were also integrated into the system and soil studies were carried out to determine the location of the components and to generate data from chemical and physical analysis. In addition, georeferenced maps and visual material were used, to have a stable graphic line for a good understanding and operation of the system. Practices were carried out to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and a record of energy expenditure was kept, in order to analyze the implementation of more solar panels. To ensure the easy implementation of this project, a tool was made to analyze the current state of a farm and analyze what practices should be done or implemented to comply with the regenerative agriculture principles. Furthermore, a detailed study of the components was carried out to determine the management and suitable diet of the animals, the fertilization and the pests and diseases of the crops to ensure a good integration and sustainability of the productions.
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