Absorción de nutrientes y caracterización del cultivo de la yuca (Manihot esculenta) clon señorita.
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Universidad EARTH
Existe poca información del clon de yuca Señorita, este estudio fue realizado en la Universidad Earth, localizada en el caribe de Costa Rica. Se realizó una caracterización morfológica de la planta y se cuantificó la absorción de nutrientes. Las plantas fueron sembradas a una densidad de 10416 plantas ha-1. Las raíces del clon Señorita son de fácil colección y se caracterizan por tener un cilindro central blanco, suave y con poca fibra. Las raíces son de tamaños y formas variables, y tienen diámetros adecuados para la exportación. La producción total de biomasa de la planta siguió un patrón de crecimiento sigmoide; la etapa de crecimiento exponencial duró dos meses, momento en que el cultivo acumuló 712.66 kg ha-1.de biomasa seca. La etapa de crecimiento lineal finalizó a los seis meses con una producción de 5553.60 kg ha-1 de biomasa seca. La etapa de senescencia inició en el mes siete donde la plantación acumuló 5826.19 kg ha-1de materia seca. En los primeros dos meses los nutrientes presentaron una absorción lenta (22.67 kg ha-1 de N, 1.16 kg ha-1 de P, 13.46 kg ha-1 de K, 1.6 kg ha-1de Ca, 2.78 kg ha-1de Mg y 1.65 kg ha-1 de S). Después de dos meses se incrementó la absorción de estos elementos hasta el cuarto mes. La absorción se estabilizó en el mes 7, con una extracción total de 135.75 kg ha‑1 de N, 7.44 kg ha-1 de P, 56.79 kg ha-1de K, 30.58 kg ha-1 de Ca, 13.07 kg ha-1 de Mg y 6.60 kg ha‑1 de S.
Little information is available about the cassava clone, Señorita. This study was carried out at Earth University, located in the Caribbean part of Costa Rica. Morphological characterization of the clone and nutrients absorption curves were established for a plantation with a planting density of 10416 plants ha-1.The cassava of this clone are of different sizes and shapes, have white pulp which is soft with little fiber, ideal characteristics for exportation. The total biomass production of the plant followed a sigmoid growth pattern; the stage of exponential growth lasted two months, during this period the crop accumulated 712.66 kg ha-1 of dry biomass. The linear growth stage ended in the sixth month with a production of 5553.60 kg ha-1 of dry biomass. The senescence stage began in the seventh month where the plantation accumulated 5826.19 kg ha-1 of dry biomass. During the first two months the nutrients absorption process was slow (22.67 kg of N ha-1, 1.16 kg of P ha-1, 13.46 kg ha-1 of K , 1.6 kg ha-1of Ca , 2.78 kg ha-1 of Mg and 1.65 kg ha-1of S), and then increased until the fourth month. The absorption of nutrients stabilized in the seventh month, with a total extraction of 135.75 kg ha-1 of N, 7.44 kg ha-1 of P, 56.79 kg ha-1 of K , 30.58 kg ha-1 of Ca , 13.07 kg ha-1 of Mg and 6.60 kg ha-1 of S.
Little information is available about the cassava clone, Señorita. This study was carried out at Earth University, located in the Caribbean part of Costa Rica. Morphological characterization of the clone and nutrients absorption curves were established for a plantation with a planting density of 10416 plants ha-1.The cassava of this clone are of different sizes and shapes, have white pulp which is soft with little fiber, ideal characteristics for exportation. The total biomass production of the plant followed a sigmoid growth pattern; the stage of exponential growth lasted two months, during this period the crop accumulated 712.66 kg ha-1 of dry biomass. The linear growth stage ended in the sixth month with a production of 5553.60 kg ha-1 of dry biomass. The senescence stage began in the seventh month where the plantation accumulated 5826.19 kg ha-1 of dry biomass. During the first two months the nutrients absorption process was slow (22.67 kg of N ha-1, 1.16 kg of P ha-1, 13.46 kg ha-1 of K , 1.6 kg ha-1of Ca , 2.78 kg ha-1 of Mg and 1.65 kg ha-1of S), and then increased until the fourth month. The absorption of nutrients stabilized in the seventh month, with a total extraction of 135.75 kg ha-1 of N, 7.44 kg ha-1 of P, 56.79 kg ha-1 of K , 30.58 kg ha-1 of Ca , 13.07 kg ha-1 of Mg and 6.60 kg ha-1 of S.
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